Kornheiser is worthless. I could barely understand a word he was saying during the Packers/Eagles game because his mouth was pressed so tightly against Brett Favre's butt (and the Packers were getting killed). Every time these guys cover Green Bay, Kornheiser's only color commentary is on how great Brett Favre is, regardless of what is going on in the game. "I once saw Brett Favre throw a frozen rope into triple coverage on the last second...blah blah blah." Yeah, we get it. Favre is, or at least was (depending on your point of view) great. We just don't need to hear it after every play, especially when the other team has the ball. Tonight's game was just disastrously bad, with the whole crew contradicting everything they said multiple times.
Thanks, but you're fired. See the secretary for your last check and parking validation.