Kyle Orton In the Third Round | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Kyle Orton In the Third Round


Mar 4, 2003
Reaction score
Atlanta, Georgia
This draft is as much is a mystery to me as it is to everbody else. If we get a running back through trade or draft how about kyle orton in the third round. I think he was a pretty good QB.

I am not impressed with the top 2 QB's, Alex Smith makes me nervous. I think every body is trying to recreate what kind of QB's were in the draft last year. None of them hold a candle to Ben, Rivers, Manning. But QB's are so damn hard to evaluate for the NFL. History has proven that.
first off, great avatar

i would take him in the 3rd.....prolly because i live in Iowa, close to his old high school.....but i think hes pretty good.
Orton is not all that great. The QBs in this draft are not all that great to be honest. Smith is the only who looks decent enough but watching Merril Hodge breakdown tape of Aaron Rodgers and point out how many flaws he has makes me realize that this is not a QB rich draft. If we were to take a QB I much rather take Andrew Walter, alot better prospect.
I wouldnt mind drafting Orton at all, of the 2nd level QBs I like him and Orlovsky even though Orlovsky is really dropping it seems.
I'd still rather gamble the pick on Adrian McPhereson, but I'm an idiot, so take that as you will.
It amazes me that anyone would be happy drafting someone who'll never be more than a backup in the NFL. Did you not watch him play mediocre to poor his first 3 years as a starter? Did you not watch him only play well against some of the worst teams in college football and get benched due to poor play against good teams? Did you see him play horribly in the senior bowl? Did you see him make a fool of himself next to Rodgers and Greene at the college all star challenge? Did you see how he doesn't keep himself in shape, is immobile, throws behind receivers, is inaccurate on throws over 15 yards, and played in the shotgun the majority of the time?Orton wouldn't even beat out Sage for the #3 job.
I watched him in the senior bowl practices, I thought he did well. Notice i said third round, Hell I'll take david greene in the third round. I like Kyle Orton, I think he could be a good pick.
General Tso said:
It amazes me that anyone would be happy drafting someone who'll never be more than a backup in the NFL. Did you not watch him play mediocre to poor his first 3 years as a starter? Did you not watch him only play well against some of the worst teams in college football and get benched due to poor play against good teams? Did you see him play horribly in the senior bowl? Did you see him make a fool of himself next to Rodgers and Greene at the college all star challenge? Did you see how he doesn't keep himself in shape, is immobile, throws behind receivers, is inaccurate on throws over 15 yards, and played in the shotgun the majority of the time?Orton wouldn't even beat out Sage for the #3 job.
I think we've had this discussion before TSO. Yes i would absoultely want him in the 3rd, not before that though.
I would like to get a QB in the mid-rounds, I don't know if that will be Orton or not. I said this in another thread, there are a lot of good mid-level QB's who aren't outstanding but may pan out at some point to become good QB's.
General Tso said:
It amazes me that anyone would be happy drafting someone who'll never be more than a backup in the NFL. Did you not watch him play mediocre to poor his first 3 years as a starter? Did you not watch him only play well against some of the worst teams in college football and get benched due to poor play against good teams? Did you see him play horribly in the senior bowl? Did you see him make a fool of himself next to Rodgers and Greene at the college all star challenge? Did you see how he doesn't keep himself in shape, is immobile, throws behind receivers, is inaccurate on throws over 15 yards, and played in the shotgun the majority of the time?Orton wouldn't even beat out Sage for the #3 job.

You left out the lousy windup delivery. Orton is a name guy with big stats from a major conference who can't play in the NFL. Sounds like plenty of contradictions until you see the guy play.
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