Lamar has a new home (again). | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Lamar has a new home (again).

-81- McMichael

Active Roster
Sep 11, 2002
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St. Augie-Doggie
I really wish him well. Still will never forget that performance and, especially, that last TD run in the playoff win against the Colts.

Good luck, Lamar!

Packers | Smith Signed - from
Mon, 2 Jun 2003 10:11:27 -0700

The Green Bay Packers have announced the signing of free agent RB Lamar Smith (Panthers) to an undisclosed deal.
Awesome news for him! I like him alot even though he is not the best RB. I wish him alot of luck in GB. Way to go Lamar you deserve to be on a team.
Good luck Lamar.

I hope this doesn't mean Ricky is heading to Green Bay .... LMAO.
He does'nt deserve to be on any team imo.
He's a drunk that needs serious help before he kills someone.
Based on???

Originally posted by Den54
He does'nt deserve to be on any team imo.
He's a drunk that needs serious help before he kills someone.

If you know something (CURRENT and VERIFIABLE) that we don't know about Lamar, please share.

Otherwise, ever heard of a thing called remorse? Oh, and forgiveness?

Might help to check those two out some time... Lamar seems to have... again, lest you want to share something the rest of us don't know about. I think we're all pretty familiar with what happened when he was with the Seahawks, ie the "accident".
Yeah check his most recent stint with the Panthers.
If I remember corectly he was busted for DWI.
I've got your forgiveness and remorse right here pal.
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Wrong side of the bed?

Originally posted by Den54
I've got your forgiveness and remorse right here pal.

Dude, uh... you needing a hug or something?

I know people who have gotten DWI's. Some, if not most, sincerely admit that they have a problem. And some succeed in getting help and in getting better. Sadly, others don't.

It's a terrible thing to drive while under the influence, and I do NOT condone it. In fact, I abhor it. But that's just it... I abhor THE DECISION... to drive intoxicated. I abhor the selfishness, the lack of consideration and respect towards others... towards human life. But I do not hate the person. If anything, I pity them.

Hate the act - not the person. That's all I'm trying to say.

Alcoholism and drug addiction are horrible DISEASES. Any professional psychologist, doctor and/or lawyer will tell you exactly that. These people need help, not hate. And our legal system and correctional system is set up for that. It's not perfect, but it IS there... for those who really want to get help.

Do YOU, personally, know what Lamar's deal is? Are you friends with the arresting officer, or the DA in charge of that case?


As I mentioned before, IF you've got some SPECIFIC information with which to HANG Lamar (as you seem so intent to do - and myself included, so you might as well throw up TWO nooses over the nearest tree branch), please let us in on it.

My last .02:

Got compassion?


Too bad. You have my sincere sympathy. Living with hate is living in hell.
I agree, I wish him well and hope he's learned from his mistakes. Nobody is perfect.
Loved that run in Indy. One of the best ever. I believe in forgiveness and remorse. But you leave a guy crippled after your first DUI. I think you should have learned. Doing it again is unexcusable!!
Good point.

Originally posted by fins1
I believe in forgiveness and remorse. But you leave a guy crippled after your first DUI. I think you should have learned. Doing it again is unexcusable!!

I agree. But, fact is, nobody here (yet) has any details regarding the DUI from last year. And things aren't as clear cut as they may appear. Here's all I've got from last year:

That doesn't tell ME much.

But it does tell me this:

Smith already screwed/punished himself ROYALLY by missing those last five games. He surely would have gone over 1000 yards and THAT probably would have helped give him a really good deal - his last, probably - either still with Carolina or with someone else, like Green Bay.

The terms with Green Bay are undisclosed. But, whatever they are, they're surely A LOT less than anything he MIGHT have been able to garner had he finished last year with over 1000 yards.

Karma. So... no need to hate. That's just my opinion. It's for God to pass judgement over a person... not me. Again, that's just my humble opinion.
Glad to see Lamar still playing and Im glad he wasnt signed by an AFCE rival.
Lamar was actually dismissed from the Panthers with a few games left in the season because of his drinking problems. I hope he can get himself together and be successful in GB.
i truely wish this troubled soul well. hopefully he can come to terms with his addiction and end his career on a high note. GB would be a great place for that.

oh, and as for the victim of his first dui. he recieves a major portion of every contract lamar gets as part of his financial obligation. as for his personal obligation....only lamar knows.
Nobody is perfect. Plus can't you like him for the yards he gave for us, he didn't do what RW did but he worked his ass off to be on our team and every other team he has been on. No different with being on GB.
Lamar was a workhorse. I'll never forget that indy game.
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