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Latest on Ricky Williams

Ricky Williams "really bonded" with Nick Saban because he needed a father figure to stick up for him.
Good to hear he is staying clean, regardless of whether he plays or not.
I just hope that if he returns, that he returns for the right reasons. I don't want to have someone on this team just because he HAS TO. I want someone to come to this team because they WANT TO be part of this team.

Kind of like Nick Saban, if he didn't WANT TO be part of this team, then he should have never accepted the job in the first place.
Good to hear...the team wins a lot with Ricky and loses a lot without him.
I think a nice gesture would be to give Ricky a bit of a raise (isn't he getting close to leauge minimum?). Say what you want, but when he actually takes the field, he always plays 100 percent. Like you guys said, I want him on the team because he truly wants to play. If it has to be done at Wayne's proverbial gunpoint, then forget it -- just let him go and be done with it.
At least I can see him play up here!!
I like Ricky, but Brown kind of came into his own this year....

Having both of them will be a nice one-two, but this time Borwn should get most of the carries....
He has already said he wants to play in Toronto next year again.

I think we will never see Ricky again.
He has already said he wants to play in Toronto next year again.

I think we will never see Ricky again.
He does not have a choice. He owes the dolphins still. and he wont make that kind of money int toronto.
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