Law is not expecting pay cut | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Law is not expecting pay cut


Practice Squad
Jun 23, 2003
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Law is not expecting pay cut


If the Dolphins believe they can get cornerback Ty Law at a discount because he still is recovering from foot surgery that forced him to miss much of the 2004 season, they might have a surprise coming, the player's agent said.

Law, 31, visited the Dolphins on Wednesday but wants a contract that pays him in the ballpark of the NFL's better cornerbacks, and he is not thinking about signing a one-year deal.
I never expected the Poston brothers to come out and say Ty Law could be had for the veteran minimum. When healthy, Law is a top 5 corner. They'll try to convince everyone that Law is healthy and deserves top dollar.
It's up to Saban to play hardball.
Pink_Dove said:
I never expected the Poston brothers to come out and say Ty Law could be had for the veteran minimum. When healthy, Law is a top 5 corner. They'll try to convince everyone that Law is healthy and deserves top dollar.
It's up to Saban to play hardball.

No, it's up to Saban to tell Law to take his broken *** elsewhere. We will do just fine without Ty here. While I am on the subject, I am really surprised at the number of Phin fans that seriously want Law after they talked trash about him to the Chiefs fans that visited this board last month. He was trash then and wasn't worth looking at and suddenly, since Poole's injury, we have to have him? This is certainly a fickle bunch we have here.
The Postons are right there beside Drew as crude agents. It seems to be between us & the Lions. We do have a couple things in our favor, location, & we play the Patriots twice. I'm sure he'd like to go up against them a couple times this year.
Originally posted by Lungoystr
No, it's up to Saban to tell Law to take his broken *** elsewhere. We will do just fine without Ty here. While I am on the subject, I am really surprised at the number of Phin fans that seriously want Law after they talked trash about him to the Chiefs fans that visited this board last month. He was trash then and wasn't worth looking at and suddenly, since Poole's injury, we have to have him? This is certainly a fickle bunch we have here.

Where does it say I wanted Law before and can't the Fin fans that did change their mind ?
IMO, when healthy, Ty Law is a top 5 CB in this league and if he is healthy, deserves to be paid that way. Therefore the Poston brothers won't come out saying their client cannot play in this league anymore.
If he has a broken arse as you put it (right now there is a lot of speculation in terms of how his rehabilitation is going) then he might not be the best option. Nevertheless, we could give him an incentive-laden, short term, contract.
I also think it's stupid to close your eyes, when there's a Ty Law on the market (injured or not) and we've just lost a young corner and a pro-bowler at the position. I'm happy Saban is considering him and I have full confidence in him determining if we can get him for cheap.
What else would you expect from an agent? He's going to try to get the biggest contract possible for his player. Now whether somebody will give him that contract, is another issue. I think he will find that the market for Ty Law is lukewarm. I figure he will get in the 2-3 million dollar range base contract, plus incentives. He's a 31 year old CB with a serious foot injury. To me, that's a big risk. Does anybody know the Lions salary cap situation?
Ty Law isnt gonna be a dolphin...and i really dont think this is related to the phins either

This is more related to the Lions and the Steelers [Teams that are willing to pay top dollar for a top 5 corner when healthy]

Saban aint gonna budge just cause Will Poole [Unproven 2nd year player with potential] goes down with a season ending injury. If we sign a corner it'll be Terrell Buckley for sure
Even if the assumption that Law is still a top 5 corner is correct, and the assumption that he will be healthy is correct, I still dont see a team giving him a big long term contract. He's 31 years old. He may turn out to be a Darrell Green and play into his 40's but the odds are that his skills (or at least his speed) will begin to decline rapidly in the next couple of years. I could see a contract with a modest signing bonus and the bulk of the money coming from incentives.
Well one thing is for sure Florida's lack of a personal income tax is a definite bonus to Law coming here. Anything that Detroit offers has to be higher due to that.
If we do sign Law, what about Poole? I thought that Poole was the kind of CB that Saban wants to start, along with Madison.
Pink_Dove said:
Where does it say I wanted Law before and can't the Fin fans that did change their mind ?
IMO, when healthy, Ty Law is a top 5 CB in this league and if he is healthy, deserves to be paid that way. Therefore the Poston brothers won't come out saying their client cannot play in this league anymore.
If he has a broken arse as you put it (right now there is a lot of speculation in terms of how his rehabilitation is going) then he might not be the best option. Nevertheless, we could give him an incentive-laden, short term, contract.
I also think it's stupid to close your eyes, when there's a Ty Law on the market (injured or not) and we've just lost a young corner and a pro-bowler at the position. I'm happy Saban is considering him and I have full confidence in him determining if we can get him for cheap.

I didn't say that YOU wanted him before and I still stand by my comment on my fellow Phin fans though. When K.C. was looking at getting Surtain and claiming that Law was an option, my fellow fans (not all of them) dogged Ty Law out like he was some two-bit rookie. Now, all of the sudden, these same fans are running scared because one of our young CBs (virtually unproven in this league) has gotten injured and suddenly they are running around screaming that the sky is falling......and frantic to sign Law. This happens all of the time and frankly it's rediculous. I once chewed a fellow Phin fan out for making the remark that Dolphin fans are fickle........boy was I wrong. While I am happy that Saban is looking into the CB situation, I trust that we already have what we need on this roster for Saban to mold a very good defense. I trust that Saban will do what is best for the team....with or without Ty Law.
If Saban can get Law to affordably sign with us, that's great, we get a Pro Bowl CB with SB experience. If Detroit decides to overpay him is their usual fashion, that's fine. I think Travis Daniels can do the same things everyone expected out of Poole. We have more glaring needs at starting FS, runstuffing DT, and 3rd WR.
Lungoystr said:
No, it's up to Saban to tell Law to take his broken *** elsewhere. We will do just fine without Ty here. While I am on the subject, I am really surprised at the number of Phin fans that seriously want Law after they talked trash about him to the Chiefs fans that visited this board last month. He was trash then and wasn't worth looking at and suddenly, since Poole's injury, we have to have him? This is certainly a fickle bunch we have here.
Excellent statement. I would rather keep the money, get T-Buck, and check out who all is going to be cut coming up. There will not be any one like Law, but there will be some surprise cuts that could probably help us.
What teams in need for Cornerback have the big money to sign Law? Then out of that group who wants to tie up that much money in a corner coming off of an injury. I didn't read all the posts, but his agent maybe playing hard ball at the wrong time of the year. By that I mean a lot of teams have spent up there free agent money, plus June 1st there may once again be more competition for Law as far as signing with a team. I understand from what I read is that Pittsburgh, and the Jets have less cap space the we do, is this true?
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