If we dont get LA, what route would you guys wnat us to go in RD 1? I think signing him helps us tremendously cuz then we can go WR/DT in rd 1 or even OT but w/out him we prob cancel out one and go LB as 1st priority. i think S will be addressed rd 3 or 4 and that w/out LA we will prob go after LAWSON, SIMMS, or BUNKLEY/WIMBLEY. Lawson is a 4.4 man and M williams is a 4.8 man and that shows tremendously when you watched their vid's and see how unhumanly fast Lawson gets off the line. he puts M wiliams to shame and i heard that M WIlliams tends to take some plays off and isn't that consistent.
What LB would you guys want if we dont get LA in rd 1?
What LB would you guys want if we dont get LA in rd 1?