League Looks Into Activities of Will Allen | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

League Looks Into Activities of Will Allen

great looks like we are going to have a repeat of last year in our secondary. We're gonna wind up playing 3rd and 4th string DB. wonderful.
I agree Funkymonk. One step forward - two steps back. I am so sick of these clowns screwing up the team. What is WRONG with these people?
Well if he is involved in some sort of betting scandal he is as good as gone. All sports leagues take a pretty dim view of their players being involved in any sort of gambling situation. Figures, here we are short of cornerbacks and arguably our best one has a gambling problem. Is freakin' Shepard still available?
"From the State of Florida’s perspective, a decision to charge Allen under a fairly stringent set of gun laws could send him away for a long time."

Our best CB in trouble with the law..

Maybe I'm wondering if the paychecks they receive from their respective teams come out NSF (non-sufficient funds)..
They are getting paid millions of dollars legally by the NFL and still try to make more millions illegaly...

Something does not match..:shakeno:
I wonder if Lito Sheppard's agent would laugh in our faces if we called him.
Our best CB who got all of 1 interception the entire year and caught infront of a woman's store no less.
the wrath of Roger will be coming soon, thanks to JP mouthing off against his FAV TEAM.
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