Leaving Tampa for Miami in 10 min! | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Leaving Tampa for Miami in 10 min!

I'm leaving in 30 min. I had a hard time sleeping. This is going to be an exciting day!!!!!!!!!
yeah me too, this is the earliest i've ever got up on a Sunday! LOL! I can't wait to get this thing started, GO DOLPHINS!!!:hi5:
Its like Christmas morning....

Its opening day...leaving in an hour to head down to the stadium....
Dolphins will introduced the Jets to a new level of pain.....:D
Be Loud guys. Be VERY LOUD at the game !

I wish I could be there with you all, but I will be Loud as hell at the sports bar here in Canada.

Couldn't sleep at all last night.

Anyways.....leaving Naples now. I CAN'T ****ING WAIT TO SEE MY JETS GET THEIR FIRST WIN OF THE SEASON!!!!

ADIOS!!!! J-E-T-S JETS!!!! JETS!!!!!!! JETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All the time I lived in Tampa I never made it to Miami, my biggest regret in my year there.

I was suprised to see, with all the support for the Bucs in Tampa, I ran into quite a few Dolphin fans while I was there.

Have fun at the game guys, I will be following on TV or by game tracker.
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