Let Down Sandwich Game | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Let Down Sandwich Game


Perennial All-Pro
Aug 5, 2002
Reaction score
Bellingham, MA
Guys, I'm a little nervous about the KC game this week. Its sandwiched between 2 very important games for us (Today against the Jets and Oct. 6th against NE) and the Cheifs took the Pats down to the wire today. This Cheifs team looks like it can be pretty effective offensively but pourous on Defense. Anyone else concerned.

Note: I think that New Englands obsession with spread formations is gonna come back to haunt them later. There defense was worn out in the 4th quarter probably from being on the field so often.
I am nervous too. They took the defending champs into OT. Yes, they could have been 0-3 had it not been for Dwayne Rudd. But, they've been in every game against decent teams. And, last year they ended on a real high note. Priest Holmes IS a poor man's Marshall Faulk and that's a scary thought because we don't cover tight ends and running backs very well. They have Tony Gonzalez and Priest Holmes. That could be MAJOR trouble. Their defense maybe bad but I don't think the Jets defense is very good either and our offense didn't play great today. They didn't turn the ball over but they got very few points not off turnovers. If they can go in and take the Pats to OT on the road, they can do it to anyone. We aren't 4-0 yet.
Im not.....thier confidence is shattered and its to early for them to play the role of spoilers....It does scare me that theyre do for a win after 2 close games but I serouisly dont think it will come against us....
I'm only concern about a let down by Miami..I think only Miami can beat Miami in this game..Now that the monkey is off their backs..I hope they go into another gear for the next 2 weeks before the break..
OK guys another observation. I hate to be a pesimist but I have been a dolfan for so long that I know what happens in December. Where the Heck is GREENWOOD at, this may be bad for us against KC, this kid needs to put up some numbers, and yeah Rodgers is getting picks but, how bout run stoppage?
Greenwood is fine. No news it good new right? Better him to be steady than hear his name called due to penalties or mistakes. Why are you worried about us not scoring a lot of points. Is it necessary to put up more than 30 points? WE WON. About KC, I'm relieved. It shows that NE is indeed vulnerable on D. I can guarantee every team will watch what KC did to them. With a very porous D, KC will have a hard time keeping our O in check. Plus I think our D is better than NE's. Besides, if NE had run the ball and kept the clock moving, there would have been a lot less points......
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