after reading some thread on how jason allen is a bust, all i see is people flaming other people for having opinions. im gonna saysomething in this thread that i havent seen b4 on finheaven but needs to be said. 95% OF THE PEOPLE ON THIS FORUM DONT KNOW **** ABOUT FOOTBALL MORE OR LESS THE DOLPHINS. all people do is flame you for havin an opinion like jason allen is a bust. i agree and think that he is a bust. if u use the 26th pick on a player not getting any game time, whenu couldve picked some1 who could contribute= thats a bust. while hes not a complete bust yet.... as of now he is. i love how all the people on this forum are so optimistic... when a guy is playing good, hes the best thing since sliced bread... but when hes not it's "oh dont worry about it hes a good player, just had a bad game" or some other **** like that. as a fan of the dolphins, i dont have to like every player on the team. b4 the season started everyone thought all our starters were great... "oh our oline is actually prettty good".. it is what it is, some players are good and other suck, whether thier on the phins or not.