Listening to During the Game? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Listening to During the Game?

Fin Fan in Cali

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Sep 8, 2004
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Sunshine state
I was wondering with the Brotherin listen to during the game? Do you listen to the game, or do put in your favorite jam CD or what? I like to listen to Stevie Ray Vaughn, Pantera, Metallica, Sevendust, Sammy Hagar, Motley Crue, Linkin Park. Just checkin to see if you listen to the announcers, and do you take it to the next level with the surround sound going blasting your favorite sounds, and cheering your team to kick butt!:xii:
Fin Fan in Cali said:
I was wondering with the Brotherin listen to during the game? Do you listen to the game, or do put in your favorite jam CD or what? I like to listen to Stevie Ray Vaughn, Pantera, Metallica, Sevendust, Sammy Hagar, Motley Crue, Linkin Park. Just checkin to see if you listen to the announcers, and do you take it to the next level with the surround sound going blasting your favorite sounds, and cheering your team to kick butt!:xii:
Yanni, Billy Ocean, and Rod Stewart. Hey that stuff drives me mental.:fire:
I usually just listen to the announcers unless its on espn or MNF. I cant stand Madden or Theisman/Deirdorf so i have to mute them and put on something; usually Pearl Jam, Metallica, Jimi, RATM, Velvet Revolver...something loud, intimidating and kick @ss!
Boik14 said:
I usually just listen to the announcers unless its on espn or MNF. I cant stand Madden or Theisman/Deirdorf so i have to mute them and put on something; usually Pearl Jam, Metallica, Jimi, RATM, Velvet Revolver...something loud, intimidating and kick @ss!
I would rather listen to the Espn crew, even though I hate Theisman too, John Madden on Monday nights is so full of himself, I can't even listen!
Depends on the announcers, I really hope Al Michaels does not go with Madden to NBC, I believe his contract ends in '06, and he's the best play-by-play announcer for any sport IMO, but l hate Madden, I just don't think the statement "boom," as the most consistent statement he makes during a broadcast is good to listen to. I usually listen to the updates from around the league if a broadcast team that I think is terrible is on. Joe Buck from fox is a great announcer, and his team with Aikman and Collinsworth is probably the best overall team IMO, but they do the top NFC game so it's rare they do a Phins game.
Fin Fan in Cali said:
I would rather listen to the Espn crew, even though I hate Theisman too, John Madden on Monday nights is so full of himself, I can't even listen!

I like Theisman, perhaps it is just because Im a Notre Dame homer though. I just listen to the announcers though, never really considered muting them and listening to some music
My situation is somewhat unique because I watch the games in Las Vegas sportsbooks. You can watch them all at once but only one has sound so it's almost always not the Dolphin game. Lately I've been going to the Imperial Palace where they show the games on bigscreen in the main theater. Awesome atmosphere.

I don't care for the current broadcasting crews. The guys who used to tell me things I didn't know, like Hank Stram, are long gone. Now it's simpleton garbage. I really wish Ron Jaworski would do color commentary. He has special insight. Most of the announcing crews are more intent on entertainment than unique info. The only one I like is FOX with Buck, Aikman and Collinsworth. Not great insight but a very good balance overall. I despise Al Michaels due to his politics and the persistent need to stick those views in a sports telecast where they do not belong, especially in an election year. He can freefall from the highest cloud for all I care. My friend is a cab driver who said Michaels was the biggest self-centered ******* he ever toted.
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