you know, there is bickering and posturing in ALL team offices. nature of the corporate beast.
but, i think a lot of whats being said now is getting blown WAY out of proportion and the root of it is coming from sources who want to poison the dolphin waters.
you dont think there are entities out there who do not want miami landing a top GM?
they are the ones who flood the sports hacks with "information". teams do not give that sort of stuff to the media. why would they?
and another thing, HOW IS IT HELPFUL FOR THE FANS TO KEEP FEEDING THE FIRE? everytime someone reports on this, makes HUGE thread about it, it hurts us even more.
after while, if candidates keep seeing it everywhere, it has an effect. and thats exactly what dolphins foes want. to scare talent away from us and over to them!!!
the aponte, ireland and philbin fued was real. but, ireland is gone and the fueding is over. soooo, LETS NOT KEEP FLOODING OUR OWN HOUSE WITH SEWAGE!!