Long wait for Jay | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Long wait for Jay


Maria & LauRen Aha!
Sep 4, 2001
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I sure hope he plays because...

I've got two tickets to that game! My first 'PHINS game in almost 15 years!

Here's hoping it's gonna be as special as I think it can be (ifen we win, of course)!
Re: Fiedler aiming at Nov. 24 return

Don't think he will return that soon being it's only 11 days after he gets his cast off. He needs to get the stiffness out and the strength back. That would be great if he could be back that soon.
Hopefully we won't miss him so much after monday night.
Yea, but if he'd play against Buf...we'd probably be 6-1 right now instead of 5-2 and only a 1/2 game ahead of the Iills ...
Originally posted by MDFINFAN
Yea, but if he'd play against Buf...we'd probably be 6-1 right now instead of 5-2 and only a 1/2 game ahead of the Iills ...

Couldn't agree w/u more, MD. It's true what they say: You don't know what you have until it's gone. I am not giving up on Lucas after one (very, very bad) game but at least it put to rest all the mindless hysteria of starting Lucas over Jay. Jay's no Dan but clearly, his value to this team was demonstrated vs Buffalo. Even w/the injuries at WR, if Jay had played, there's no doubt in my mind that we win. Hurry, Jay, hurry!

Go Fins!
Wow, look at this unity? I haven't seen so many people agree with Jay being the starting quarterback ever. I wonder how long that sticks when he throws his first int when he gets back? Any guesses?
Originally posted by Samphin
Wow, look at this unity? I haven't seen so many people agree with Jay being the starting quarterback ever. I wonder how long that sticks when he throws his first int when he gets back? Any guesses?

At the time he got hurt, he was really starting to play well too. Again, not lofty numbers but solid. We certainly need him for the stretch run.
Originally posted by Samphin
Wow, look at this unity? I haven't seen so many people agree with Jay being the starting quarterback ever. I wonder how long that sticks when he throws his first int when he gets back? Any guesses?

Let's place bets. I bet that the first "Jay Sucks" post happens within 20 minutes of the first game he comes back. Any other guesses?
Originally posted by breckenridge55
Let's place bets. I bet that the first "Jay Sucks" post happens within 20 minutes of the first game he comes back. Any other guesses?

Unfortunately, I think you are all too right, breck.
Unless Lucas keeps stinking it up, I hope he waits a week after the Charger game to start, but have him as the #3 guy. Let his thumb get back to normal, and give him some more practice time.
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