Ludicrous offensive game-planning! | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Ludicrous offensive game-planning!


Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
St. Petersburg, Fl.
I am sooooo sick of the offense on 3rd and 10 or 3rd and 8, etc. running routes that have NO WAY of obtaining a 1st down. I understand hitting a back at a 5 yd dumpoff to get 7 or 8 but what I saw last night was just poor game-planning. Saban should be ashamed! I am a Saban supporter but his first move (assuming he's staying) is to fire Mularkey! He's flat TERRIBLE! :fire:
I just don't see why they didn't just keep giving the ball to Ronnie. Our O-line was woopin' the Jets D-line and ronnie was running HARD. Run the Damn ball Mularky.
I hear you. This offense is a joke and has been for years. I have never seen a team struggle so hard for yards. It's been like this since Marino left. It just plain pathetic and what stinks is that there seems to be no hope in the near forseable future.
I am sooooo sick of the offense on 3rd and 10 or 3rd and 8, etc. running routes that have NO WAY of obtaining a 1st down. I understand hitting a back at a 5 yd dumpoff to get 7 or 8 but what I saw last night was just poor game-planning. Saban should be ashamed! I am a Saban supporter but his first move (assuming he's staying) is to fire Mularkey! He's flat TERRIBLE! :fire:
If you noticed.that's been the gameplan all year.My cousin is amazed everytime they are in that situation,I call who get's the ball.:lol: It is pretty pathetic.
Frickin play calling on Madden makes more since. I think Jimmy Johnson is somewhat of an idiot... but Saban needs to hold ALL players and coaches responsible if they don't play up to standards like JJ did! Get it done or find another job!
One of the worst coached games I've seen in a long time. Absolutely pathetic!

:shakeno: :shakeno: :shakeno: :shakeno:
i was there last night, and i have no voice today, from screaming 'RUN THE ------- BALL" i was sooooooooo ticked, pathetic play calling, ronnie had 92 yards in 3 quaters, and he DIDNT START....iam dumbfounded and sick after last night
i was there last night, and i have no voice today, from screaming 'RUN THE ------- BALL" i was sooooooooo ticked, pathetic play calling, ronnie had 92 yards in 3 quaters, and he DIDNT START....iam dumbfounded and sick after last night

you and me both
i was there last night, and i have no voice today, from screaming 'RUN THE ------- BALL" i was sooooooooo ticked, pathetic play calling, ronnie had 92 yards in 3 quaters, and he DIDNT START....iam dumbfounded and sick after last night

This goes further than running the ball. If Mulkarkey wants to least design plays for the down and distance. That is just $tupid coaching!
I am sooooo sick of the offense on 3rd and 10 or 3rd and 8, etc. running routes that have NO WAY of obtaining a 1st down. I understand hitting a back at a 5 yd dumpoff to get 7 or 8 but what I saw last night was just poor game-planning. Saban should be ashamed! I am a Saban supporter but his first move (assuming he's staying) is to fire Mularkey! He's flat TERRIBLE! :fire:

IMO, that is the #1 reason for our demise this year. The playcalling has been absolutely horrible this year.
I also hate the Ludacris playcalling.....who does he think he is, Mularkey???? :wink:

I hear you. This offense is a joke and has been for years. I have never seen a team struggle so hard for yards. It's been like this since Marino left. It just plain pathetic and what stinks is that there seems to be no hope in the near forseable future.

This has been a problem long before marino left.
I noticed something this year too. If we gain 4 yards on a 1st down run, then we gain the same on second down. We NEVER run it on 3rd and short when we ran the first 2 downs. Its so predictable and I hate it. I would like to see 3 runs in a row where we get a first down on the 3rd run. Power running is just not an option to Mularky and neither is the deep what does that leave us???
If you noticed.that's been the gameplan all year.My cousin is amazed everytime they are in that situation,I call who get's the ball.:lol: It is pretty pathetic.

Every game is the same plan and god forbid we start rushing for mega yards because we will not deviate from our game plan.We will run when we should pass and we will pass when we should run.

Is SABAN an idiot that he cant make decisions during the game and over rule the other idiot upstairs.How about half time adjustments?(they dont exist with this coaching staff)

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