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Man its Great!


i love the dolphins
Oct 3, 2002
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Play my song! Shutup! I wanna hear my song!- Janet Reno
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Having the best quaterback and the best receivers in the league! Granted, you have the best running back in the league, I'd still take the Bills over any team with that boring idiot Jay Fiedler! C'mon Jay Fiedler? Oh yeah good luck with receivers like Chris Chambers, Randy McMichael and, and, oh wait, those are you're only talented receivers!:lol: And man, what a start Jason Taylor is off to, WOW! One sack, impressive! Nobody on your defense can sack. Man I can't wait till you guys come up to Buffalo and finally get the schlacking you losers deserve. Hey you know the 8 (probably will be nine) game winning streak you have against Buffalo? Well enjoy while you have it, cause it all comes to an end on December 1st, 2002 when Bledsoe, Moulds, Price, Henry and Co. tear your so-called stellar defense apart! And by the way, good luck with the Pats this weekend, your gonna need it!
First off I wouldn't bring up your 1 game wonder Henry. He has fumbled in all 4 games and he rushed for more yards in your game against the Jets than he has in the 3 games after. Bledsoe is looking great now, but he has taken more sacks than any other QB in the league this year, so I wouldn't even be sure he will be there in Dec.
Yes, Henry has been fumbling way too much this season, but I think he will get his act together soon and become a productive running back, I'd say about 1000 yds this year. And I can promise you that Bledsoe won't be getting sacked as much. The line is just starting to mesh and I think they will be one of the better lines by the end of the year. Jennings is doing well, obviously Ruben Brown is too, Teague is getting the hang of center and Mike Williams is on Morts Top Rookies list, the only weak spot is at RG with Marques Sullivan. All I'm saying is you better be prepared Dec 1st, this isn't last years Bills.
Hey Barker dont you and justafan have some bake sale to attend up in Jillyland. This a Dolphin website, we don't need you, we don't care about your inane horse**** rhetoric, your team got lucky in overtime, you're playing 500% ball and this week Oakland will kill you and make you look like the mid to bottom tier team that you are. Go chop some wood or something,while you're freezing your butt I'll be on the beach. If you even dream the Bills will be the Fins you better wake up an apologize. Any part of this you don't understand? Now be a good little Bills fan and go to your Jilly site. I promise I won't come there and bother you. Take a hike. By the way you forget Orande Gadsden but you'll be reminded of his ability when we route you. Ta
Just picked up Shawn Bryson in my FF league. One more fumble and I think Henry will see the bench for good.
Barker sorry for the tone of my post but you've got to admit the bake sale thing was funny. I really don't hate the Bills unless their playing the Dolphins and Bill fans are great people compared to the out and out jackasses that are Jet fans. If I'm being honest Bledsoe is damn good, Moulds scares the hall out of me and Peerless Price has really come up big this year, now don't you have a quilting bee to go to? Just kidding!
The bake sale thing really wasn't that funny. Here's a tip, if you have to come back later and tell us all it's funny, it probably isn't.

Surf, I really don't think Bryson will get that much work to make him a good FF player. If the Bills don't run Henry they will most likely just throw the ball.
Hey Hoover , why wasn't the bake sale thing funny? Hit too close to home perhaps! C'mon bud get a sense of humor. By the way I don't need tips from a guy who averages 3.6 posts per day on a Dolphin website when you're a Bills fan. Talk about having no life. Talk about a sad and empty existance. I went back and looked at some of your posts, they are mostly nasty and agressive for no reason like your looking for a fight. It's my analysis that you're a low I.Q. guy with a whole world of free time. Why don't you go play in Jillyland. By the way you live in Jersey, why don't you root for the Giants?
I think I know your secret. YOU'RE A CLOSET DOLPHIN FAN!!!! That's why you suck around our website all the time.
Picking up Bryson was definitely a mistake, Surf. I definitely thought Buffalo should have used Bryson some in the Raiders game because I thought the Raiders would be more vulnerable to an outside running game than trying to run Henry smack into Sam Adams and John Parella play after play. What we learned in Buffalo last year was to run Bryson outside and Henry between the tackles. If Gilbride wasn't going to run Bryson last week I don't know when he will.
Originally posted by Barker
. And I can promise you that Bledsoe won't be getting sacked as much. The line is just starting to mesh and I think they will be one of the better lines by the end of the year. Jennings is doing well, obviously Ruben Brown is too, Teague is getting the hang of center and Mike Williams is on Morts Top Rookies list, the only weak spot is at RG with Marques Sullivan.

:lol: :lol: Bledsoe was sacked 5 times!
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