With a handle like "Ricky4Life" I'm sure you backed him all through his problems with dope, walking out on the team, etc. Even when some of his own team mates had enough of his BS and most on this board had him labled for a bum.
Lynch is a dope, he was fooling around, apparently he knew the woman. Unforunately for him he's the type of personality that just doesn't get it.
Many of these players, like Vick as you mention, come from backgrounds and beat some long odds that I'm sure a middle class white kid would have trouble fully comprehending.
On the other hand, I always liked Ricky and was glad he made a come back. Even though he was a Dolphin, it was a good end for a man who had some questions and found some peace for himself.
Funny though, how most people want the benifit of the doubt, understanding and a second chance unless it applies to someone other than themselves.