Martin refused to cooperate with NFLPA investigation. | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Martin refused to cooperate with NFLPA investigation.

Daytona Fin

Queeks Draw
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Dec 5, 2002
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Daytona Beach
NEW YORK — While the Miami Dolphins await the release of a league-appointed investigator's report on issues of workplace conduct, the NFL Players Association is getting close to wrapping its own probe into the Jonathan Martin-Richie Incognito situation that dominated headlines during the 2013 season.

One major difference: Martin refused to speak with attorney Richard Smith, whom the NFLPA retained in November to interview witnesses and examine Dolphins management's role in alleged abuse that preceded Martin's departure from the team.
because he didn't want to give a conflicting story, Liers usually roll with just one investigation and usually balk at more face time
Lol, can the Dolphins or incognito sue him for slander and defamation?

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Sounds to me like he doesn't want anymore trouble and wants to move on and get back to football in a new locker room. Trying to take down the dolphins or other players on the tea, would of guaranteed the end of his career.

I really think the guy is just really socially awkward, probably has some kind of mental and emotional issues too. Kind of like when you see someone flip out for no reason, same thing, he just took it to the next step.
Lol, can the Dolphins or incognito sue him for slander and defamation?
They can try but historically those cases are very difficult to prove, and given what evidence we know exists, I don't think it could happen in this case. Especially since much of the case would focus on Incognito's behavior, including past behaviors.
Because he knows he can't BS professional NFL people. Period.
I cannot wait until they are both off the team...Martin was an awful lineman and Incognito an awful person...hopefully we hear nothing from them again in the next few months
What a little bitch. Screw this clown and his attorney mom (specializes in workplace harassment suit) who I think is the instigator in all this ****. ***** ass mommas boy.
If everything Martin said was a lie then yes, I believe they can, or will have the ability to. However that liekly wont happen.
Lol, can the Dolphins or incognito sue him for slander and defamation?

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Interview was pointless. Dude dodged every important question with a non answer. And this from the hard press grilling of interviewer Tony Dungy!

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I don't know why....but every time I see Incognito I think of Conrad Dobler. Any of you remember him? Just a nasty player.......

Both these guys need to be gone. I agree with the sentiment that this got out of control for Martin and he doesn't know how to end it.
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