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Matt walsh tapes are audio tapes

A. the comcast and specter thing has nothing to do with anything
B. this is about the patriots and the nfl allowing them to cheat
C. this should go back to tagliabue...because those other felonios pats championships happened under his watch
D. Gooddell, Belicheat, and Pioli should all be fired/forced to resign and never allowed to work in the nfl again...and i dont care how long that process takes...its the right move...because as the old saying goes...where there is smoke, there is most assuredly fire
I wouldn't put all my eggs in the Arlen Specter basket for getting to the bottom of this. He's clearly got a conflict of interest in all this as comcast is one of his biggest campaign contributors and we know the battle that has been raging over the league owned NFLN and its denial to sell its program to the comcast and the other cable companies.

I read a copy of his first letter to the comissioner about the camera gate thing and he only asked weather the comissioner had evidence thru the tape or notes of the pats cheating in their SB vs the eagles. He's not the guy that instills truth bearing for me. I wouldn't be surprised to see the league cut a deal with the cable companies to broadcast NFLN the way they choose and the senator to hand the public some lame excuse that he's satisified and then disappear. I see way too many people in bed together on this to ever believe we'll really know the truth. Remember Specter is first and foremost an attorney and I wouldn't trust one of them as far as I could throw them. Do a google search on Arlen Specter and you'll get some insight as to his past searches for truth.

This is your "hope" as a Pats*fan, that this will all go away, but why is that? Afraid there's actually something there? There are too many folks interested in this now for it it just go away. The Comcast stuff is actually sort of ridiculous considering that Specter is not running for re-election so doesn't need a war chest, but Pats* fans like to gloss that over along with the truth, too.....

PS Now that the Pats* are toast, do you, like most of "Patriot Nation" plan to go back to rooting for whoever your old team used to be, or will you wait for a new "leader" to emerge? Just curious....
This is your "hope" as a Pats*fan, that this will all go away, but why is that? Afraid there's actually something there? There are too many folks interested in this now for it it just go away. The Comcast stuff is actually sort of ridiculous considering that Specter is not running for re-election so doesn't need a war chest, but Pats* fans like to gloss that over along with the truth, too.....

PS Now that the Pats* are toast, do you, like most of "Patriot Nation" plan to go back to rooting for whoever your old team used to be, or will you wait for a new "leader" to emerge? Just curious....[/quote] someone who lives 20 minutes from foxboro...this last part is hilarious...before 96'...i think there was all of like 5 or 10 pats fans who were diehard...and ill respect them...but the rest of bandwagoners must feel like they HAVE to find a new team...and quick
This is your "hope" as a Pats*fan, that this will all go away, but why is that? Afraid there's actually something there? There are too many folks interested in this now for it it just go away. The Comcast stuff is actually sort of ridiculous considering that Specter is not running for re-election so doesn't need a war chest, but Pats* fans like to gloss that over along with the truth, too.....

PS Now that the Pats* are toast, do you, like most of "Patriot Nation" plan to go back to rooting for whoever your old team used to be, or will you wait for a new "leader" to emerge? Just curious....

No actually my hope is they blow the doors off the league. Its time to open the flood gates of all the cheating the league has known about and for as long as they've known it. Arlen said we deserve honest games so I hope present coaches along with excoaches come crawling out of the wood work with testimony that ties up the entire congress for the next 5 yrs. The public demands blood so its time they got their fair share. Who knows the league could auction off all those rep'od Lombardy trophies just to keep the lights turned on in the league office.
This is your "hope" as a Pats*fan, that this will all go away, but why is that? Afraid there's actually something there? There are too many folks interested in this now for it it just go away. The Comcast stuff is actually sort of ridiculous considering that Specter is not running for re-election so doesn't need a war chest, but Pats* fans like to gloss that over along with the truth, too.....

PS Now that the Pats* are toast, do you, like most of "Patriot Nation" plan to go back to rooting for whoever your old team used to be, or will you wait for a new "leader" to emerge? Just curious....

:sidelol: Sorry dude, you lose all credibility with a signature that says buffalo's going to the super bowl.
No actually my hope is they blow the doors off the league. Its time to open the flood gates of all the cheating the league has known about and for as long as they've known it. Arlen said we deserve honest games so I hope present coaches along with excoaches come crawling out of the wood work with testimony that ties up the entire congress for the next 5 yrs. The public demands blood so its time they got their fair share. Who knows the league could auction off all those rep'od Lombardy trophies just to keep the lights turned on in the league office.

The only team in the crosshairs is the Patriots. No matter how much you wish that other teams will get ensnared it simply wont happen. I think you should apologize to all of us for defending such a sleazy organization. As penance, while on Finheaven, you should only type on your knees :oops::sorry:
Right look at what the goverment has done with its investigation with MLB. You'd have to be blind to not see whats coming here. Hang on to that one team in the cross hair theory if it makes you feel better.
Right look at what the goverment has done with its investigation with MLB. You'd have to be blind to not see whats coming here. Hang on to that one team in the cross hair theory if it makes you feel better.

I find it quite funny that all of their championships are now in question and they will be forever quesitoned. They are officially the Pete Rose/Barry Bonds of the NFL.

Better keep them Red sox Hats handy pats fans.......just like the day after the superbowl, they will be all that you have to talk about.
Right look at what the goverment has done with its investigation with MLB. You'd have to be blind to not see whats coming here. Hang on to that one team in the cross hair theory if it makes you feel better.
As quick as you fans were to dismiss Shula, its amazing how brilliant he was in retrospect. Granted this season wont have the asterik. It will be the three SuperBowls that have asterisks attched, whether official or unofficial. The great asterisk dynasty. Forever questioned, forever tainted. For shame, for shame:(
Shula should pray the senator doesn't talk to Johnson. Mr perfect was a pioneer in circumventing the 15 sec cutoff.
Shula should pray the senator doesn't talk to Johnson. Mr perfect was a pioneer in circumventing the 15 sec cutoff.

Does Johnson have videotape proof? No. Now unto technological proof and the implications for players and coaches who are still playing. Did you type that while on your knees?:err:
Right look at what the goverment has done with its investigation with MLB. You'd have to be blind to not see whats coming here. Hang on to that one team in the cross hair theory if it makes you feel better.

Let's take this puppy whereever it leads. Most of us suspect it will start and end in Foxboro, but if it doesn't, so be it. As a Bills fan, I can pretty much guarantee you that Marv Levy won't get implicated, nor will, I strongly suspect, Dick Jauron or Wade Phillips. Gregg Williams and Mularkey perhaps, but even them I doubt. No, I suspect that who will get tarred here will be Belichick and his staff,with perhaps a nod to the man that taught him, who happens to reside somewhere round these parts.

What's really funny about your post is the Pats* fan's tried and true way to get through this mess as they cry themselves to sleep at night--everyone else does it. Well, we'll see about that, won't we, but as of right now, it looks like it's your team that's the only one royally screwed.....
This puppy will lead to a broadcast agreement between the league and the cable companies. It all politics son
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