maybe Chris McCain can cover Gronk | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

maybe Chris McCain can cover Gronk


Active Roster
Feb 20, 2006
Reaction score
one psycho on another, can't believe theres not a role for this kid. Dion Jordan played fairly well against him, maybe our boy can run with him.
The best option to cover Gronk is Jones imo. But he will get his catches regardless.
I think they need to roll coverage to Gronk, one on one with the small WR's, and count on your pressure
And what about edelman, amendola? Brady goes with the mismatch so you have to get creative and throw him off game. We'll lose a shoot out.if we don't hit and frustrated him it will be a long day.
What's with everyone's fascination with scrubs covering Gronk?

They're on the bench and inactive for a reason. They're not 53 quality.
It was the main reason Jordan was drafted. What a damn waste.

McCain has the size as speed. Doest he have the ability is the question?
How you beat Brady is by putting him on his ass. As long as Brady is walking back to the line, relaxed and calm...he will carve you up. Put him on his ass...make his frustrated in the pocket, and good things will happen. We have proven this method before. DL plays like they have the past 2 weeks and this will happen.
will be interesting to see the chess play of front 4 pressure or disguised blitzes.
How you beat Brady is by putting him on his ass. As long as Brady is walking back to the line, relaxed and calm...he will carve you up. Put him on his ass...make his frustrated in the pocket, and good things will happen. We have proven this method before. DL plays like they have the past 2 weeks and this will happen.

It really IS that simple.
All you need to do is put Safty on Gronkowski with Linebacker also. Double team him. Patriots have no running threats or WR,s. Double cover Gronkowski. Period... Then rest has to be man on man... Jamar Taylor needs to step up huge for this game.
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