Practice Squad
I'm sadden to hear that Ricky failed another test but it's now time to move on. Ricky screwed us and his teammates once and we forgave him, now there's no forgiveniss. Ever since the season ended all the talk was about Ricky, either about him being traded or staying. Now i like Ricky the player , i have ever since collage and i was glad he was givin another chance and some what succeded but i also wanted Miami to trade him this offseason just for this reason. His trade value was as high as it was going to get and a second or third round pick would of been good . Miami was not getting a number one for him no matter what anyone on this board or any board thinks. I had a feeling this was going to happen . We have a runner in Ronnie Brown who can do for us what Ricky once did. It does not matter if he failed or missed his appointment Ricky Williams NFL playing days are over. Guys lets let it go, it's time to forget Ricky.
I now have to go and put all my Ricky memorabila away for good.
I now have to go and put all my Ricky memorabila away for good.