McMichael seems to be supporting Gus | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

McMichael seems to be supporting Gus

He just knows that he will get the ball alot more if Gus is the QB

hahah which is fine in my book whatever it takes to win games
Isn't this the 2nd time McMike has appeared to be supporting Gus over AJ? Maybe it's a case of the media only printing what he says about Gus? He's right about picking a starter though. The more time the 1st unit gets together, the better.
the following coversation was not recorded.

saban- "come in randy, what can i do for you"

mcmichael- "coach, you better pick a ***damn starter or your'e going to enter my waffle house of pain"

saban- "yes randy"
Randy is Gus's favorite receiver, he always throws to him in practice i hear
I think by now, most fans see that Gus is going to win us more games than A.J. will. He isn't the long term solution, but will have to do for this year. A.J. Feeley has officially worn out his welcome in my eyes. He has had more than enough time to quit eyeballing just one receiver. I used to support him, but no more.
CanadaPhinsFan said:
Isn't this the 2nd time McMike has appeared to be supporting Gus over AJ? Maybe it's a case of the media only printing what he says about Gus? He's right about picking a starter though. The more time the 1st unit gets together, the better.

I dunno.... the tone he used seems to me to he's leaning toward wanting Gus to start. Whenever he talks about Frerotte, he calls him "Gus", but he calls AJ "AJ Feeley". Seems like he's just a bit more personal with Frerotte...then again, maybe he just has a tough time pronouncing "Frerotte"
He also said that Gus would be starting Sept 11 unless something big happened. To me it really sounds like McMichael favors Gus over AJ.
why mcmike is saying this is........ for $$$$$$$$$$$.

he knows that he is gus favorite receiver.
that will help him get good stats (tds and yards) and make him look really good and thus make him want more $$$$$$$$$$.

thats why all along i have been saying sign mcmike now before he will cost us more money after the season.

sign him now.
Randy has made comments about liking Gus throws right from the start of training camp.I dont blame him.He hasnt had a good QB throw to him since he was drafted.
McMichael knows who the better QB is but he's trying to be careful not to insult AJ. (Also knows he will get more ball w/ Gus which equals more $$$.) Gus throwing to the TE alot would definetly not be a bad thing. But it seemed last year that AJ liked to throw to McMike. I think Randy just recognizes what's best overall for our offense.
ercin13 said:
the following coversation was not recorded.

saban- "come in randy, what can i do for you"

mcmichael- "coach, you better pick a ***damn starter or your'e going to enter my waffle house of pain"

saban- "yes randy"

CrunchTime said:
Randy has made comments about liking Gus throws right from the start of training camp.I dont blame him.He hasnt had a good QB throw to him since he was drafted.

:yes: Totally agree.
Talk about politics!!! There is more political wrangling going on over our QBs than there ever has been over the Iraq war in the political Forum, and that's saying something.
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