McNair, Brooks, blah, blah, blah | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

McNair, Brooks, blah, blah, blah


Scout Team
Feb 25, 2005
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Let's just stop all the talk about bringing in McNair or Brooks for that matter. First off how did McNair even make it to the Pro Bowl? He will not help our team...period. Draft the best QB available and start from scratch. I don't want to see Gus any more than anyone else, but we have to look towards the future and draft a guy who will be our leader for many years to come even if that means another year with our current QB roster.
I don't want to see Gus any more than anyone else,

Correction... you want to see Gus A LOT more than at least one other person if you'd rather keep him then bring in McNair to groom a rookie.

And anyone who makes quarterback judgements based on the Pro Bowl has a larger set of problems. A Pac Ten preseason game has more value. Just as a heads up for all those that come back from the Pro Bowl talking smack about McNair.
Mcnair didnt practice with Saturday. Bobbling a snap is a common problem with no practice with that center.
Why was McNair or Vick even in the Pro Bowl?? There's just something not right about it. Neither of them won a division or made the playoffs. Infact neither even had a winning record this year.
so the plan is too draft brodie croyle in the 1st round. nice.
ShootinBlanks said:
Let's just stop all the talk about bringing in McNair or Brooks for that matter. First off how did McNair even make it to the Pro Bowl? He will not help our team...period. Draft the best QB available and start from scratch. I don't want to see Gus any more than anyone else, but we have to look towards the future and draft a guy who will be our leader for many years to come even if that means another year with our current QB roster.

Both of those guys are arguably upgrades over Frerotte. McNair is for sure, the jury is still out on Brooks, but I have a gut feeling that he's better than Gus. We need an upgrade at the Qb position who will groom the rookie or else you guys want to lose while the "future of the franchise" is riding the pine.
mcnair sucked and is old i odnt want him nor do i want brooks the guy is a mess. I want a ROOKIE!
Good question about McNair being in the pro bowl. I have no idea why he was there. There must have been some serious injuries going on with the AFC qb's to have him there. Must have been a sub for someone. Don't past too much judgement on todays performance. He really had no practice time with these guys. As for being a Fin, I still wouldn't want him. There is something about QB's who spend all there time with one team and then go to another one for a year or two. They just don't seem to perform well. Maybe Montana would be the exception.
SR 7 said:
mcnair sucked and is old i odnt want him nor do i want brooks the guy is a mess. I want a ROOKIE!

We need both a rookie and someone to groom him. Getting McNair would not mean not drafting a rookie.

As to old... well, he's younger than gus by a year or two. And a heck of a lot better QB.
Yeah that Peyton Manning should retire to man damn he sucks

You cant judge a guy by what he does in the pro bowl please use some common sense, recievers he has never played with, a center he doesnt take snaps with ever, a great defensive unit that cant blitz so they drop into a deep zone everytime, its not as easy as just goin out there and playing
please refrain from attacking other posters

ShootinBlanks said:
Let's just stop all the talk about bringing in McNair or Brooks for that matter. First off how did McNair even make it to the Pro Bowl? He will not help our team...period. Draft the best QB available and start from scratch. I don't want to see Gus any more than anyone else, but we have to look towards the future and draft a guy who will be our leader for many years to come even if that means another year with our current QB roster.

i'm sorry (mod edit), how did mcnair make the probowl? how about leading a very productive offense with almost no talent on that side of the ball.... have you seen this guy even play the game? Did you watch him pick up every 3rd down in every playoff game in 99..

the guy is what michael vick wishes he was.

How did he make the probowl? you should ask yourself how he won the MVP
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