(Merged): A defensive answer / Our DEF will be more unpreditable ....(link) | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

(Merged): A defensive answer / Our DEF will be more unpreditable ....(link)


Ruler of the Universe
Jun 22, 2003
Reaction score
A defensive answer.

Jason Cole has a great article out today. I think he did his best with the information he was given to write with. The defensive scheme would be something to watch come Friday as they are "mixing it up" already.

By the way, the blown coverage that Jason refers to in the middle of the article, I thought was an illegal pick.

Our DEF will be more unpreditable ....(link)

And Im not just talking about more blitzing...

If you ask me, this is the BEST Phins news Ive heard in a while. I always believed we had the talent, but our schemes always become more and more predictable as the season wears on - by the end of the year teams are able to figure out how to beat us and the coaching staff was too conservative to adjust. It sounds like Wanny - and Especially BATES - have finally seen the light and are willing to disguise coverages and play chess with the opponging coaches.

Even Zach likes the changes (and we all remember how pissed he was about the playcalling last year). :cool:
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Well Fletcher and Knight will certainly be betta suited to some zones, but I expect us to stick to press coverage most of the time especially in the base O where it is just Pat and Sam ag their 2 WRs. I like the idea a lot, we should have as many schemes as possible now so we can throw them in when we game plan for special games like week 2 ag the Jets :D
Surf, very cool article! More zone coverages, new packages? I like the sound of that! The Bills are going down hard baby!:billsbite :jetssuck: :nesucks: I've been waiting to hear those words from Bates the entire offseason.
People please STOP TEASING ME, I can't stand the anticipation and excitement...

I'm starting to feel like we are going to go out on the field in royally F#$K some people up this year. Teams are literally not going to know how to handle us and when the game is over they are going to feel like a guy waking up in a fog the morning after being slipped a Ruffy and subsequently raped by Shaq Oneal.

I'm trying not to get too caught up in the Hype, but man, it sounds like this team has some serious confidence... They and are excited about what they are doing and seeing positve results from it.... All of which just adds more to their confidence...
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all I want it 16 games like the SD and Jets games in Miami last year :D
How do you think Pat and Sam will do in the new schemes? I'm as excited as anyone about this, but just wondering if you think playing cover 2 or whatever they may do will put a "damper" I guess you could say..on Pat and Sam. Because they are both the man when it comes to press coverage.
No December slide this year we will be climbing instead of
falling this year. It's our time the last few years big name players have
been comming here for a reason. I think last year was just bad luck,
luck will be smiling on us this year. We are not the strongest in every aspect, but no team ever had the best at every position for a season so I feel we should be the front runners for the SB. GO FINS 03!!!!!!
The article really didn't give anything away. Last year when teams bunched WRs on one side the Dolphins countered with a mini zone to avoid the picks. The defender covered the WR coming into his zone which still favored the offense as you can game plan to get the best WR on the weakest defender. Although the defense could help the weakest link with double coverage. It will be interesting to see what new wrinkle they come up with. Maybe blitzing through the bunched WRs??? So as the WRs are busy crossing the QB has no time to get them the ball.
Uh Oh.. More blitzing and zone coverages?? Can you say "Welcome Home Jamar Flecther"?? This cat must be excited about this as well as Madison and Thomas who openly crticized this team for the lack of tweaking the defense late last year when they were getting "outschemed".. Not outplayed.. Very nice to see that Baes is going to open his mind a little.. Look at the last 2 SB winners, they both play alot of "Want to trick you" defensive schemes in the Buccs and Patriots.. This is going to cause alot of sacks and INT's when Miami gets these new wrinkles down packed..
Can't WAIT!!!!
Re: Our DEF will be more unpreditable ....(link)

Originally posted by Surferosa
And Im not just talking about more blitzing...

If you ask me, this is the BEST Phins news Ive heard in a while. I always believed we had the talent, but our schemes always become more and more predictable as the season wears on - by the end of the year teams are able to figure out how to beat us and the coaching staff was too conservative to adjust. It sounds like Wanny - and Especially BATES - have finally seen the light and are willing to disguise coverages and play chess with the opponging coaches.

Even Zach likes the changes (and we all remember how pissed he was about the playcalling last year). :cool:

I agree that the talk is promising.

The coaching staff has mentioned "mixing it up" in the past too though however and it never happened.

The thing to watch will be if the staff has the Cajones to mix it up when a game is actually on the line rather than curl up into a conservative ball like they have in the past. Again, I think that is the thing to watch for.

Overall, I think the "talk" is over. I really am buying into the change talk and think the coaches really mean it this year. They have new personell that make the more aggressive changes possible. I think they take the leash off the dogs this year.

Hoping and waiting impatiently to see what results that will bring come real gametime!!!!!
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