Merged: Absolutely Disgusted/Boooooo! | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged: Absolutely Disgusted/Boooooo!


Practice Squad
Oct 25, 2004
Reaction score
Absolutely Disgusted

Too much blowing smoke trying to get people to trade down. Saban should have kept his mouth shut and he would have sneaked Smith by the 9ers. And we would be SET, they would have picked someone else. Instead, Saban makes all the noise, gets all the attention and nolan's ego is hurt so he takes a guy who they will never get signed, who really wanted to play for us. And we lose out on a Franchise QB and are saddled with idiot Feeley for 2 or 3 more years.

NO ONE was trading up under any circumstances, that is clear now. Some of us tried to tell you guys that but everyone was on the "trade down" bandwagon. Saban out-thought his own self.

At least now he can tell pothead to go jump in the Indian Ocean and we can put that behind us.

Maybe we can trade Zach and Jason for Philip Rivers. Or all of next year's draft for Leinart. Oh well.

Rule 1: QB IS THE MOST IMPORTANT POSITION. We need to BUST ourselves to get a Franchise QB. Whatever it takes. THEN we compete again.

And if he drafts some vick slash guy, I AM OUT.
dolphingator said:
Too much blowing smoke trying to get people to trade down. Saban should have kept his mouth shut and he would have sneaked Smith by the 9ers.

And apparantly your still smoked. Saban never wanted Smith. Smith WAS the smokescreen. The phins front office publicized his visit even.
dolphingator said:
Saban makes all the noise, gets all the attention and nolan's ego is hurt
This is pretty ridiculous.
This post is just idiotic.

I'm sorry about TOS. So sue me.

Ronnie Brown is friggin awesome, if you don't like him, go become a Jets fan.
dolphingator said:
And if he drafts some vick slash guy, I AM OUT.

Hey, we all want a great QB, but talk like that? and if you want the door is over there...don't let it hit you on the backside.
Boomer said:
Lay off the crack son.

Even crack can't lead to comments like this.... By the length of his post it may be some good Ice or Meth..
VanDolPhan said:
And apparantly your still smoked. Saban never wanted Smith. Smith WAS the smokescreen. The phins front office publicized his visit even.

I really wanted a QB, but the fact of the matter is simple. He had three options.

1. Draft Rogers.
2. Draft a RB.
3. Trade

The Dolphins need at QB is not as great as RB, my lord Gordon to start? I would have cried.

There was no trade parter, can't you look at the draft board and figure out?
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