MERGED: Clinton Portis: Vick Did Nothing Wrong | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

MERGED: Clinton Portis: Vick Did Nothing Wrong


Moon Runner / The 3 AM Crew
Jul 20, 2004
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Clinton Portis: Michael Vick Did Nothing Wrong

Posted May 20th 2007 1:05PM by Dan Benton
Filed under: Falcons, Redskins, NFL Gossip, NFL Rumors, Atlanta, NFL Police Blotter

Washington Redskins running back Clinton Portis is behind Michael Vick 100%. He thinks this whole dog fighting thing has gotten entirely too much attention and that we all (fans and media alike) should mind our own business.

"I don't know if he was fighting dogs or not, but it's his property, it's his dog," Portis told WAVY-TV. "If that's what he wants to do, do it. I think people should mind their business."​
Portis later added that he knows "a lot of back roads that got the dog fight if you want to go see it" and that "if it's behind closed doors, it's okay."
Why was Portis even interviewed about this? He said so himself that he didn't know what Vick did or didn't do.
hahahahahaha i heard that. thats like sayin u can have a meth lab in ur house and the government and law enforcement should just look the other way...thank god these guys play football and aren't out doing work that has them use their brains.
Talk about clueless.

How about dog fighting is against the law in 48 states and also a federal crime?
He just sounds stupid in his interview. Why he opened his big mouth is just dumb.

He must have been in on it or have some dog fights of his own
not saying clinton was right, but i think this is just an example that sees something so much, he doesnt think to much is wrong with it. sorta like drugs and stuff like that. there is a ton of this going on in the world like he said. ive seen it a couple times and i know people that do it all the time., i dont like it, but its out there.
I think anyone involved in dog fighting should spend a long time in jail. To say it is "nobody's business," or to condone what Vick does because he owns the property or the dogs involved is just wrong. Alot of serial killers also seem to have similar beliefs and views that dog fighting and cruelty to animals is ok. I hope the NFL Commissioner comes down hard on Vick and hits him with a nice long suspension. Maybe some of these clowns will start getting the message when they lose paychecks or are kicked out of the NFL.

not saying clinton was right, but i think this is just an example that sees something so much, he doesnt think to much is wrong with it. sorta like drugs and stuff like that. there is a ton of this going on in the world like he said. ive seen it a couple times and i know people that do it all the time., i dont like it, but its out there.

He's sort of right...Animal fighting is still accepted in certain third world countries, but the dummy plays in Washington DC where the United States Senate just passed the Anti-Animal Fighting Bill 100-0! All he did was add gasoline to the fire about the rumor that Dog fighting is big among some NFL players.

I can see the Commisioner testifying before Congress before this thing is over.
not saying clinton was right, but i think this is just an example that sees something so much, he doesnt think to much is wrong with it. sorta like drugs and stuff like that. there is a ton of this going on in the world like he said. ive seen it a couple times and i know people that do it all the time., i dont like it, but its out there.

yeah i see where you're coming from. Clinton is a good guy too, flamboyant, but he's good, I don't think he meant to offend too many people.
I'am a BIG supporter of the U, Clinton is a RB(just for the record i support all players of the U wrong or right), not a politican,honestly it's best to keep his mouth closed,cause this doesn't invole him,with that said I think he meant good by showing support for Vick,but did it in the wrong way,plus why they interviewing him bout this anyhow. GO FINZ!!!
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