We actually lose ~1.5 million against the cap by cutting Wilford. His prorated bonus would still count against us for next season. We pay him 3.0 next season or we cut him and he counts for 4.5mil against the cap. Due to his prorated signing bonus of 1.5 million for the final 2 years remaining in his contract. Only the base salary is removed, however the prorated bonus is counted against our cap. So it would hurt us next year, but pay in 2011.
Lets break it down:
We gave Wilford a 4 year $13mil deal. With a 6mil signing bonus. The bonus is prorated against the cap as 1.5million for 4 years (so as not to kill salary room in one year.) If the person is cut, the base salary is removed (1.5million this year) however the remaining prorated bonuses are counted against the cap next year (3x 1.5mil=4.5mil.) We actually don't owe him anything, he has the money, it just counts as dead money against our cap.