hdjetta6316 said:
i have lost confidence in Mare... He's not as bad as josh hetland, but it looks like he's on that road...
Great . . compare an All Pro kicker with one of the highest kicking percentages of all time to a college kicker who is 3 for 10, w/ 2 missed extra points. C'mon man, Mare isn't down that road . . . sarcasim or not.
Yes Mare is in a deep funk, and with the type of money he is getting he needs to be producing better . . . no question. He has had some tuff luck this year, but he has also just completely missed a few . . . and I'm with you in saying that I don't feel confident when Mare goes out there, like I'm anticipating a miss.
What Mare has to do the rest of his season is get back on the right track. If he struggles the rest of the year, we either let him go . . . or he has gotta take a pay cut. If he is not willing to renegotiate, then he is definitely gone. With what he has given us, we can get that from a sub million dollar kicker, and Mare is a 2 million dollar kicker. Some nice kickers in the draft also (Hetland is not one of them, tho he is a senior
), so its definitely a big decision comming up for Miami. I think for Mare to remain a Fin, he has to be much more consistent the rest of this year, and renegotiate that contract.