MERGED: Kevin Vickerson - 7th Round Pick | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

MERGED: Kevin Vickerson - 7th Round Pick

This is the Belichick methodology - you have 9,10 DLmen who can interchange and play. Great job Nick and Rick
BullDurham said:
is Kevin Vickerson, DT from Michigan State.

Final draft grade: B (would have been A-, but neglect of the QB position drops it down)

oh god stop with the QB's we cant cary four on the roster............i think its a B+ because we didnt get a a 3rd WR
akschof217 said:
This is the only pick I disagree with, I would have liked to see us take a safety or center, hopefully we can get Shazor or maybe Jamaal Brimmer and Vince Carter or Wilkerson in FA.

Maybe Saban beleves Shazor will be UFA...

But Vickerson is a 3-4 type pick. From

"Vickerson is good at tying up multiple blockers in the middle and letting the linebackers do their job."
i have nothing against this draft pick. We need a young DT to groom, and we got one. Anthony Alabi was an okay pick, Ronnie Brown-Matt Roth-Channin Crowder were good picks, and Brian Daniels...if he converts to FS, then thats a good pick. If not, i think it was a waste.

Im so surprised that Wilkerson and Shazor havent been picked. had Shazor on the front page one day last week or the week before saying he is gonna be a high rated guy...if he doesnt get picked, along with Wilkerson....i think we should sign him from FA's.
texasPHINSfan said:

Dolphins to employ the 6-1 defensive scheme!

Look for us to run 6 DL's and only 1 LB with all this depth at the D-line! :D :roflmao: :roflmao:

I question the intelligence of some you guys when it comes to developing players. Does it look we have a DT worth a damn that's young anymore? I thought so...

Boomer I'm 100% with you on this one. Fantastic pick...
Boomer said:
This is the Belichick methodology - you have 9,10 DLmen who can interchange and play. Great job Nick and Rick

That is something lost in the hype of the draft. I wonder how much input Spelman during this process. This is an outstanding draft, so if he had a hand in it, you would think he may be retained...
I trust Saban. He knows all of these guys. Boomer likes the picks, so I like the picks. I would have liked to see a QB, but maybe we'll end up with a UFA. Overall we end up with three guys who could could be very good, and three more who could end up being starters. I would say A-.
The only difference between a 7th round pick and a post-draft rookie free agent is the 7th rounder has no choice about the team he signs with.

With only 6 picks and multiple needs - there is no way this draft can be knocked down from A- to a B!

Given what Wanny/Rick left us, the fact that there were no genuine star players that separated themselves from the rest of the draft, and that we had only paltry offerings that no coach/GM could conscienably accept ... it was an excellent draft. Excellent.

From all that I've read (not as much as some, but plenty), just about every pick we made after the 1st was a guy that could have gone higher than he went.

This draft has more potential than any I've seen in a long, long time. Rest assure, one or two of these guys probably won't make the team, but there is a great deal of potential.
Jaj said:
I question the intelligence of some you guys when it comes to developing players. Does it look we have a DT worth a damn that's young anymore? I thought so...

Boomer I'm 100% with you on this one. Fantastic pick...

I question the intelligence of Vickerson. A 5 on the wonderlic? I know football isn't rocket science but that was a horrible score. Probably the reason he fell so far.
For those who think it's a bad pick because we didn't draft Wilkerson, think about this....Saban coached Wilkerson...he knows everything there is to know about him...and yet he didn't draft him. Therefore Saban feels he's not worth a draft pick for whatever reason. When it comes to Ben Wilkerson, Saban knows more than any scout, draftnick or message board member.
Eshlemon said:
I question the intelligence of Vickerson. A 5 on the wonderlic? I know football isn't rocket science but that was a horrible score. Probably the reason he fell so far.

Our QB had a complicated offense and only score a 17. It's really not that hard to play D-Line intelligence wise. He needs to learn to gain better leverage but I doubt he needs a high test score to do that.
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