Merged:Kick 'em when their up/Dolphins may ask Ricky for $8 million refund | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged:Kick 'em when their up/Dolphins may ask Ricky for $8 million refund


The Champ
Jul 19, 2004
Reaction score
Sunny (Rainy) South Florida
Kick 'em when their up......

Kick 'em when their up, kick 'em when their down!! Kick 'em harder when their Ricky Williams! :roflmao: :roflmao:

Dolphins may ask Ricky for $8 million refund if he retires

By Alex Marvez
Staff Writer
Posted July 27 2004

[font=Verdana,Arial, Helvetica]In the past week, Ricky Williams has traveled from the Bahamas to Hawaii to Tokyo and back to Los Angeles on Monday after just a 24-hour stay overseas.

Agent Leigh Steinberg said Williams' next stop today is Martha's Vineyard, with other destinations possibly to follow now that he is retiring from football.

But Williams may want to curtail his extensive sightseeing because the Dolphins are expected to attempt recouping roughly $8 million that was paid to him if the tailback follows through on plans to leave the team.

An NFL source said Monday that the restructured contract Williams agreed to with the Dolphins in 2002 allows the franchise to reclaim about $4.7 million paid to him the past two seasons through incentive clauses should he quit before the end of his contract in 2006. The Dolphins also would try recouping $3.3 million of the $8.8 million signing bonus Williams received from New Orleans after being the fifth player selected in the 1999 draft.

The practical intent of recoupment provisions included in Williams' contract was to protect the Dolphins against a potential holdout. But the league source said they also are applicable if Williams retires before fulfilling the final three seasons remaining on the eight-year contract he signed as a rookie with New Orleans.

The Dolphins, Steinberg and the NFL Players Association did not return phone calls Monday seeking comment on contract concerns.
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If I were in the Dolphins position I would certainly sue him for breach of contract. If they don't do that then what is the point of a contract?
he was warned by steinberg too. something tells me that ricky will be regretting this decision in his heart later, but he wont ever show it. He'll just smoke another number and stare at the sky.
"As a fan, I'm heartbroken," Sandy Williams said. "I think the majority of people think he's nuts. But I raised him not to be selfish but to look out for himself. And he took it to the limit. I'm happy for him because it's what he wants."
Ricky's mom certainly summed it up in an interesting non-mom like way

but is this just pathetically wishful thinking:

Because of the large amount the Dolphins could try to recoup, there is the chance Williams would reconsider his decision to retire.
Dolphins may ask Ricky for $8 million refund if he retires

I've been reading in this forum for over 4 months now and decided to join this great team of fin fans. I wanted to say this is one of the best team sport forums i've ever seen and have enjoyed all your discussion. Enough about me....:D

According the sun-sentinal the dolphins are requesting 8 millions from ricky if he deciedes to retire. my question is, would that money be towards the cap for this season or does that procdure involve time. just curious it could free up some money to lock up wally.

link provided:,0,2237874.story?coll=sfla-dolphins-front
Bodzilla29 said:
Did RW get a signing bonus from us? If not we owe him nothing, and he would owe us nothing.
Ricky did not get his bonus from us. However, when we purchased his contract we also purchased his promise to show up which was secured by his signing bonus. Should any reimbursement be due, it would now go to the Dolphins.

As for the salary cap, the entire signing bonus has already been charged to the Saint's cap, which they were compensated for by the Phins, and the Phins have no outstanding cap hit due to ricky so it is very unlikely that any reimbursement would apply to the cap. The only cap relief we get is the 3mil + in base salary that Ricky was to earn this year.
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