merged:My Dolphins friends,my dad died last nite.../I want to thank everyone..(pg.14) | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

merged:My Dolphins friends,my dad died last nite.../I want to thank everyone..(pg.14)


Finheaven VIP
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Apr 17, 2003
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I haven't been able to post much lately as my dad had been sick for a few months.We almost lost him 2 months ago and again 2 weeks ago.Last nite he left us and he died in my mom's arms.We knew the end was coming but is still so hard.I take some comfort that he's not in pain now.He lived his life the way he wanted to and he'd had been 90 in 2 weeks.My dad was the first person that ever talked to me about football and soccer too for that matter.He was born in Italy but grew up in NY...went to WW2 and got 2 bronze medals with the US army and then later was in the airforce....he was my hero.I still remember asking him when I was a kid who was the QB for the Dolphins and he said"Bob Greese"....I've been a dolphins fan ever since......he wasn't a fan of any particular team but he loved football.He thaught me how to be a good fan win or lose...he always told me not to be on time but rather.."be early"...he thaught me to be responsible for work(I've missed one day of work in the last 6 years(other than the few times this year when I had to be with him)...I'm glad and greatfull that he was and always will be my dad.I guess this is my little tribute to him.Thanks dad was everything you did for me and the good memories.I will always love you.Your son, Danny!!

my dad rules!!!!
MY condelences and prayers go out to you and your family.
Sorry to hear that. My prayers will be with you and your family. If you need someone to talk to, feel free to pm me.
Danny said:
I haven't been able to post much lately as my dad had been sick for a few months.We almost lost him 2 months ago and again 2 weeks ago.Last nite he left us and he died in my mom's arms.We knew the end was coming but is still so hard.I take some comfort that he's not in pain now.He lived his life the way he wanted to and he'd had been 90 in 2 weeks.My dad was the first person that ever talked to me about football and soccer too for that matter.He was born in Italy but grew up in NY...went to WW2 and got 2 bronze medals with the US army and then later was in the airforce....he was my hero.I still remember asking him when I was a kid who was the QB for the Dolphins and he said"Bob Greese"....I've been a dolphins fan ever since......he wasn't a fan of any particular team but he loved football.He thaught me how to be a good fan win or lose...he always told me not to be on time but rather.."be early"...he thaught me to be responsible for work(I've missed one day of work in the last 6 years(other than the few times this year when I had to be with him)...I'm glad and greatfull that he was and always will be my dad.I guess this is my little tribute to him.Thanks dad was everything you did for me and the good memories.I will always love you.Your son, Danny!!

my dad rules!!!!
sorry to hear that keep ur head up
He sounds like he was a wonderful man. I'm sorry for your loss. My condolences go out to your any your family.
Such A Sad Story But It Sounds Like Your Dad Was A Hero ... Sorry For The Loss Man .... It Happens To Us All But It Is Very Hard ... And Congrats On Being Blessed With Such A Wondefull Father Figure !!!!
Sorry to hear, it sounds to me like he is still with you in your heart!

Wishing you and the family the best!
Sorry to hear about your loss. My thoughts and prayers, along with many of us here on the boards, are with you and your family. Your dad sounds like he was a great man.
im very sorry to hear that, im sure i speak for many here when i say that the people at are here for you
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