Merged: Nice article on CB's and other positions | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged: Nice article on CB's and other positions

real nice article !! i like what I'm hearing from our young DT. The numbers for the CB are not really revealing in my opinion... when you play zone coverage, most of the time, stats will be attributed to players when they should be to other ones. Like if the Flat player busts his coverage and our CB has barely no one deep, he'll help the short zone and be blamed for the catch even if it's not his fault.... Other than that, sign corey dillon ASAP a big bad S.O.B. that pounds the ball well, either him, kendall, or darwin walker, another big signing before the season would be nice
They decribed Jason Allen as "shaky". Doesnt exactly fill anyone with confidence does it with comments like that aimed at our 2006-07 No1 Pick.
Good read, are there any stats that show how sure a tackler a our CB's are? It seems to me that "passes thrown at" should also have "solo tackles" next to it.
Our DB's are the biggest worry i have for this team, even more than the OL
Barry Jackson's Florida Buzz usually has alot of Fins stuff most of the beat writers fail to pick-up on. Great read
CB's will be fine. Remember Saban was messing with their heads and positions all last year. Dom will have control over the whole D this year and get them where they need to be. Going by last year is stupid. Thanks Ice.
CB's will be fine. Remember Saban was messing with their heads and positions all last year. Dom will have control over the whole D this year and get them where they need to be. Going by last year is stupid. Thanks Ice.

I've been concerned with CB's, but this is a good point. I hope it does work out and we see some more big plays from that position. W.Allen/Goodman/Daniels, we know pretty much what we get. We need J.Allen to find his role. Hopefully he gains confidence and his size will become a new weapon in our defensive back field. He could be a hard hitter at CB and still show decent speed.

The whole group needs to get better. Not sure why, but I think I would like to see enough depth at CB so that M. Lehan is cut.
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