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Merged: Nice article on CB's and other positions

I'll take Darwin Walker, Pete Kendall, and Corey Dillon.

Walker is just a superior player to Kevin Vickerson, might even be superior to Vonnie Holliday, and he's got plenty of versatility. The biggest question is price tag.

Pete Kendall over Liwienski any day of the week. Over Mormino too.

Corey Dillon better than Jesse Chatman, pretty much says it all. Red zone and goal line running is extremely important in this offense. It is the one aspect of Ronnie's game that, to date, I've not been terribly impressed with...given the circumstances he's faced. If those circumstances change for the better and Ronnie still looks ho-hum in the red zone and on the goal line, then we'd be awful glad we had Corey Dillon over Jesse Chatman...cuz Lorenzo Booker sure isn't going to become a goal line back.

I'm guessing they'll stay in touch with Dillon through the preseason, and depending on what evaluations they make in the preseason, they could hire Dillon for spot duty.

I'd love to have all three as well. Solidifies a veteran 4-3 DT, LG/C, and backup/3rd down RB. Walker's the kind of passing-down DT we could use and perhaps even slotted in the 3-4 DE in certain situations. Kendall, even if he's past his prime, is better than what we have and he's just what Houck is looking for. Dillon I agree will help out our goal line/ red zone deficiencies though I'd hoped we'd also have a tall WR on the roster to help spread it out the way Vincent Jackson did for the Chargers.

But Walker may be too pricey, haven't heard much on the Kendall front which could mean anything, and not sure Dillon will want to play 2nd fiddle to Ronnie since he didn't want to with Maroney.

I doubt the fins pay starters money to a guy that wont start.

True, that's why unless Walker really wants to play in Miami, he may be too much. Though, if I were the Colts, I'd give him a ring.
i think it would be a good fit to have him at DE in our 3-4..he could easily man the opposite side of Holliday even though it pushes Roth out of the way

but i think we might have trouble signing him because of money issues
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