Merged: (Rumor)Favre wants to play. Maybe Miami? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged: (Rumor)Favre wants to play. Maybe Miami?


Active Roster
Feb 16, 2005
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San Diego
Stranger things have happened, and Bill would love to have a vet at the helm. Fun to speculate.
the rumors are nuts....why come to a team that isnt going to win anything in the next couple years....makes no sense...if he continues to play with another team its gonna be with one that is just missing that one piece (a QB)...and that is not a good description of Miami.
Dude, Farve just retired. Why would he come back to play for a rebuilding team? This thread is about as useless as Zach Thomas to SS.
Would be AWESOME. Not gonna lie, it was the first thought that came to my mind.
The poster is just reporting what is posted

As it turns out, that dark cloud in Wisconsin could quickly become a storm.
Brett Favre's agent, Bus Cook, has told the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel that Favre wanted to play another year, but that he felt like the Packers didn't want him.
"I know he wants to play one more year," Cook said. "I do not know much conversation there was and I don't think anyone forced him to make that decision. But I don't know that anyone tried to talk him out of it."
"I think he wanted to play," Cook said. " I think he's still got it. He knows he's still got it. I think he felt he could play one more year. I don't know if they told him they really wanted him to play. That's just the feeling I got."
Asked whether Favre could be talked into returning, Cook said, "I don't know."
Well, maybe the media speculation that the guy who brought Favre to Green Bay, former G.M. Ron Wolf, might be whispering to Bill Parcells about trying to get Favre to Miami is more accurate than we initially thought. Because if Favre wants to play another year and if it's not with the Packers, then maybe it will be elsewhere.
But if Favre doesn't play for the Packers in 2008, either because he's playing for someone else or not playing at all, we think that there could be an enormous backlash against the team. Specifically, G.M. Ted Thompson could find himself in the crosshairs of the fans' criticism.
Never mind the fact that Thompson has done an excellent job; the perception that he ran off Brett Favre could be the quickest ticket out of town for Thompson.
If, in the end, Thompson gets saddled with the brunt of the blame for Favre's departure, the pressure on Thompson to leave, too, will be tremendous. And, as a practical matter, it will put him on an incredibly short leash if the team falters in 2008.
I thought of this too who better to teach beck how to hold on to the football :foundout:
Favre's thought process:

"I think I want to retire. Even though this young Packer team is only going to get better and was one game away from the Superbowl last year."

2 days later

"That was hasty. I want to play again. But forget about that team that was 1 game away from the superbowl and where I spent the best years of my career with the fanbase that worships me. I'll go play for the 1-15 Dolphins."

If people want to make threads like this, they should put "Pipedream fantasy, will never happen in 1,000,000 years but might be fun to talk about" in front of it.

He even mentioned that this idea came from PFT. Cool it on bashing the poster... bash PFT if anything.
Favre's thought process:

"I think I want to retire. Even though this young Packer team is only going to get better and was one game away from the Superbowl last year."

2 days later

"That was hasty. I want to play again. But forget about that team that was 1 game away from the superbowl and where I spent the best years of my career with the fanbase that worships me. I'll go play for the 1-15 Dolphins."

If people want to make threads like this, they should put "Pipedream fantasy, will never happen in 1,000,000 years but might be fun to talk about" in front of it.

Did you read the story???
Look, I'm not saying the story is true, but its news and the poster posted it. So lets stay on track and stop the bashing of the poster.

And thanks to those that saw the errors of their ways!:hi5:
Just say NO to Favre. If any star qb is coming to miami it is going to be Brady Quinn. (oooh)
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