MERGED:So, how are we going to defend Joey this week?\We Lost because of Joey | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

MERGED:So, how are we going to defend Joey this week?\We Lost because of Joey


Mark my words, I'll get mine
Jan 29, 2005
Reaction score
Flagstaff, AZ
:shakeno: Oh, he was playing too tough of a defense...

Give me a break. Joey isn't the future and he was just a stop gap because C-Pepp was too hurt.
He played like crap. Who's gonna defend him? Just the same I don't think Culpepper is the answer either. Neither QB is the answer, not even short-term. Miami's QB woes continue. I'm starting to wonder if we'll ever have a QB here who can play consistantly well.
The game is not done yet. Don't count the Dolphins out yet.:boohoo:
Dolfan5000 said:
:shakeno: Oh, he was playing too tough of a defense...

Give me a break. Joey isn't the future and he was just a stop gap because C-Pepp was too hurt.

I was going to start a thread, but you beat me to it. This needs to be said. I dare anyone to say that JH is the future now. He is the reason why we lost and the reason why we are out of playoff contention. Keep him as a backup, that's it. I would like anyone to dispute that he was not the reason we lost.
Dolphins Own said:
The game is not done yet. Don't count the Dolphins out yet.:boohoo:

Yeah right. I quit watching, it was disgusting. The defense is worn down and the offense can't do anything.
KuD said:
He played like crap. Who's gonna defend him? Just the same I don't think Culpepper is the answer either. Neither QB is the answer, not even short-term. Miami's QB woes continue. I'm starting to wonder if we'll ever have a QB here who can play consistantly well.

Days like this is the days when we wish we had Bob Greise(sp?) or Dan Marino.
DDTDON said:
I was going to start a thread, but you beat me to it. This needs to be said. I dare anyone to say that JH is the future now. He is the reason why we lost and the reason why we are out of playoff contention. Keep him as a backup, that's it. I would like anyone to dispute that he was not the reason we lost.

Don't put all of the burden of being out of playoff contention on Joey. Daunte did his part too. Why can't we get a good QB?
Stop bashing Joey, its not his fault he is mediocre and that he proved it today.

Its also no ones fault that a lot of us said this before hand, and were proclaimed "Joey bashers" just because we knew it was our good team and not our run of the mill QB.
We aren't, Joey is a mediocre QB at best. Joey just guarenteed that he won't even make it a competition next year. Daunte, the job is all yours my man, can't wait to have you back.
He was on fire, but, asked to do too much.

Bad OC calls.

JH is only so much....You can't ask him to do more than what he is capable of.
marinofandan said:
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A pro doesn't do that.

You should be ashamed of yourself.
JAX scored 14 points off of Joey's two interceptions. However, on a must score drive in the second half, McMike dropped yet another easy ball that would have been a first down. To end that same drive Mare missed a FG. On the next drive we started at 1st and 20 because of yet another McIntosh false start. That drive resulted in a punt. I don't blame Joey for everything that is wrong with Miami's offense. He is the back-up QB. I will say that I am sick of his supporting cast on offense not doing what MUST be done to win in the NFL. I thought our defense played limp on that TD run by Jones-Drew. We were beaten on all sides of the football in this game.
dolfan19 said:
Way to be a dedicated fan...:shakeno:

Sorry, if you enjoy seeing Miami getting their @##$$ whooped that's your business. I had had enough. I guess if they make a miracle comback I'll regret it and then I'll come back here and admit that I was wrong.
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