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Merged: So if Brunell is gone...what choice do we have?

Volek will look at Delhomme and see a chance for himself, besides he can get much better money outside of Tennesee.
most of the people on that list aren't and won't even be available in FA, so i dont know why they are up there....

brad johnson may be most logical at this point. but we need to draft a new QB to "brood" right behind whatever veteran we get.

but honestly, it looks like fiedler may be the starter next year, so get used to seeing him.... [/B][/QUOTE]

When I made the list I think I stated that some of these guys might not even be available ...just thinking about some who might get cut or traded..was really just throwing out some names..seeing if anyone else could come up with any...God help us if we have Jay starting again...can't lose the thought of the last 4 years.
Re: So if Brunell is gone...what choice do we have?

Originally posted by NYPhinFan
Looks like this Brunell deal is going to go down in March...believe he was our No1 where do we turn?
Brad Johnson
Rich Gannon
Jon Kitna
Patrick Ramsey
Gus Ferroute
Vinny Testaverde
Tim Couch
Kelly Holcombe
Kurt Warner
Jay Fiedler
Brian Griese
Trent Dilfer
Jeff Blake
Jeff George
I am making myself sick writing some of these names down....and some of them are not even really available...and think Eli Manning is the only QB in the Draft who could come in and start right away...Did I forget anyone?...anyone else with any ideas?

I'll take Griese (only with a RESTRUCTRED CONTRACT) and here's a surprise: Damon Huard. Remember him? According to Dave George, Palm Beach Post Staff Writer, he fits the mold of a Tom Brady. Plus he is Brady's backup. If we can get either of those two (maybe even both) and draft a QB, we should be set. We can use Sage as trade bait.
I wouldnt mind giving Kitna a shot....hes becoming experienced, I would also like to pursue either M.McMahon or M.Bulger.
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