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Merged: Terrell Owens

Bartowboy said:
But if we sign Owens and keep Booker where does this leave Welker?Philly will need another WR and doesnt Booker have a nice lil contract next season?

It leaves Welker as our kick return guy and 4th wide receiver!
s3an8 said:
actually i did websters dictionary.... i spelled 75% of my words right.....and um ....your the one who changed the topic from T.O to chearleaders......:confused: .....and i bet you would take fiedler over Mcnabb anyday as well right???

We do not allow name calling here. I edited you post, and expect not to see you do it again.

s3an8 said:
actually i did websters dictionary.... i spelled 75% of my words right.....and um ....your the one who changed the topic from T.O to chearleaders......:confused: .....and i bet you would take fiedler over Mcnabb anyday as well right???

No, I don't. I like McNabb. That wasn't the point. But I'll leave it at that.

Moving on to other things...

the Eagles may recover sooner than expected. and I doubt they take this trade (booker)
As long as Drew Rosenhaus is T.O.'s agent, no team will feel justified to take a chance on him. Rosenhaus is a greedy mother-in-law, and T.O. is his tantrum-throwing child that only Rosenhaus can love. The NFL is the "woman" that the greedy mother-in-law hates, and the Miami Dolphins are one of many teams that like the **** and *** off the package, but can't deal with the "family drama". IMO:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
11-5 without T.O.

5-11 with him. He is a cancer, I would rather hire Mike Tyson as head coach, than pick up Owens.
The Passion of TO

Stay the heck away from our team TO!
Jnaledu3 said:
TO also didnt play in December of 2004 and the entire playoffs because of injury. The Eagles still went to the NFC championship game like they did the previous 3 seasons, and the Superbowl WITHOUT TO.

They got there padding their record against powder puff teams like Dallas, Wash, and NY. and lost to TB in the playoffs. Granted all those teams are far better now than they were then but they play in a weak NFC. If they were an AFC team they would have never made to the NFC championship game.

DO you really think they will beat out any 3 of those teams next year?
Static387 said:
The IF's

..if Saban can handle TO.
..if there is a out clause in the contract.
..if we trade little to nothing for him.
..if his contract doesn't kill the cap.
..if the other 52 players are willing.

Hey if all that did happen would you agree with Saban bringing him in?
I didnt vote because one, Im not sure I want him and if i change my mind, its cus Saban has it under control. Im too wishy washy on this and i think its far too early to assume that TO is Miami's only possible destination.
Straztheman said:
T.O. is OVERATED the guy is a cancer to any team he joins

overrated is not the right word, overzealous maybe, and that is being kind. TO's biggest problem is money though, not his attitude, his attitude will be fine IMO once he gets his money. He never had issues notice until his new deal was in focus. Philly is tight with there money. The other stuff is like the sharpie/football on the dallas star thang. I can live with that cus it pisses off the media which fits right in with my agenda! :)

still not sure about TO though. Im confusing huh?
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