Merged: Travis Henry saying he may want to be traded | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged: Travis Henry saying he may want to be traded

Lights_Out said:
let me give the rundown....

1. henry is a good back not great
2. somewhat undersized
3. has a case of the fumbles like 20 something
5. if by some miracle they would it would cost way to ogun and picks which we only have 5 of next year
6. once again he is bill and we are the divison rival dolphins...lacking a proven RB(so far..i believe in minor and morris)..wont happen

That's not the run down. Half of your "rundown" is based on your opinion so that is definately not a "run down".
Dol-Fan Dupree said:
Yes because the Bills are dumb enough to trade a star runningback to a team that is within the division that is desperate for a runningback.

I don't think even the billy goat f-o is stupid enough to trade T Henry ....

But then AGAIN ......


steveincolorado said:
Travis for Wale??? straight up??? Hell yes!!! Who made Wale the player he is ??? We still have this guy...Jason Taylor. If David Bowens and some of the other DE's have shown anything, why not?

What ????????????????????

Wale is worth a hell of alot more than just Henry !!!

And face Ogunn twice a season .....

NO WAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


blingbling2334 said:
Wale? Are you stupid? They don't want Wale.
A) Cut it wit the insults, completley unnessacary.
B)If anyones post was stupid its yours! The Bills need a DE badly, y wouldnt they want Wale?
This story is incredible. It's amazing how the media twists things.

Henry is our starter. Henry will not be traded this year. McGahee will not become the #1 back unless he absolutely blows everyone away through October and into November. Henry has not demanded a trade. Henry did not go to the media to say this. Henry did not go to the Front Office to say this. A reporter looking for a sound byte asked him a hypothetical question that went like this "If you were to lose your starting job to Willis McGahee and become the #2 RB, would you want to go somewhere else to start" -his answer is that he would ask for a trade.... wow... what an amazing revelation. A franchise RB like Travis Henry not being satisfied with a #2 role? Who would have thunk it? Next time he'll remember that a better answer would be "I'm the starter, why would I talk about a situation that isn't true? Next question." Mularkey and the rest of the team, including Henry say this article from USA today is a non-issue. Mularkey also told Travis to watch out for reporters trying to trick him into saying something that they can take out of context and create a controversy with.
Awwww, our wittle mouldsy sounds all groweds up....

j/k ...good post. :D
Henry won't settle for anything less then being the full time starter in Buffalo and IMO(and I am a Canes fan big time) Willis has done nothing to show he should be the starter, Henry is proven there. Those 4 td's for Willis were nothing more then a scrimage. I am not saying he can't do well enough to be named starter eventually but as of now thet Job is Henry's and he deserves it.
Phinnhedd said:
travis henry has demanded a trade from the bills if the team makes mcgahee a starter. just putting that out there.

either way you slice it dice it or chalk it up, this is good for us for next year and bad for the bills this year and beyond becuase this is the issue i said all along they will have to face. :D
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