Merged: Was a Ronnie for Braylon trade in the works? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged: Was a Ronnie for Braylon trade in the works?


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Aug 13, 2003
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120 mi west of Costa Rica
This comes again from Lombardi who is the leader of the pack in the move Ronnie campaign. So take it how ever you want.

6. The Browns seem to have a lot of balls in the air on the trade front. One of them was a slight interest in Ronnie Brown that was tied to Braylon Edwards, but it fell apart as the Browns backed off.

The troubling part is the last phrase. The "Browns backed off". I really hope Miami wasn't really interested in trading Ronnie Brown straight up for Braylong Edwards.
WOW....sounds like he's trying to float a crap balloon
You never know. Did you think we would kick Marino out for Fielder lol
You would think Mangina would be all over that considering how Ronnie has run over the Jets his entire career
lmao @ "the Browns backed off"

Coming soon: how the Jets backed off of trading the rights to Brett Favre for Ronnie Brown.
Ronnie Brown for Braylon Edwards. Now that is just ****ing comical.

The Browns backed off. Yeah right! :lol:
Brown for Edwards Trade Fell Apart?

That's right. According to the National Football Post's Michael Lombardi, the Browns had an interest in trading for Ronnie Brown. Here's what Lombardi writes:

The Browns seem to have a lot of balls in the air on the trade front. One of them was a slight interest in Ronnie Brown that was tied to Braylon Edwards, but it fell apart as the Browns backed off.

The interesting part here is that Lombardi claims the Browns are the ones who backed off. Does this mean the Dolphins were willing to swap Brown for Braylon Edwards?
oh goodie. a workaholic for an inconsistent dropaholic
Im sure if this is true Miami was just listening to rumors. Nothing more nothing less. I think if you were offered Brylon Edwards and drafts picks for Ronnie you would have to think about it. Maybe Miami told them Ronnie was worth a first plus Edwards we will never know and im sure it was both teams mingling.
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