Merged: What if Marino was a Jet? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged: What if Marino was a Jet?

IMO the guy who wrote that should be fired. "What if" article are so hacky especially for ESPN.

So maybe he'll write "What if Barry Sanders decided not to retire early?" next week.
are u also assuming that we had ken o'brien instead?then life as a dolphins fan would have really sucked
IMO the guy who wrote that should be fired. "What if" article are so hacky especially for ESPN.

So maybe he'll write "What if Barry Sanders decided not to retire early?" next week.

A bit of a strong reaction, eh? Maybe that's the intention of the article. I don't think there's anything particularly wrong with something that promotes discussion of a topic. It does underscore how many teams (including all AFC East rivals) passed on old Danny Boy. Changing only the QB position does Marino have a ring at the end of his career if he played for the Jets? How about the Bills?

You could inject many scenarios into the argument: What if he had a 1500 yard RB? What if the defense during his prime wasn't a colander? What if he had a go-to prototype receiver like Rice?

Ultimately, it doesn't change anything, but that doesn't mean it's not a good discussion.
what if Jay Fiedler was a Jet?
just the thought of dan in a jet uni make me wanna:censored: :barf: :barf:
I was at that draft.
I was in 11th grade and me a a friend, a Baltimore Colts fan, took the train into the city.
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