Merged: What the h-e-double hockey sticks happened to my fincash?! vbPlaza and vbBux | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged: What the h-e-double hockey sticks happened to my fincash?! vbPlaza and vbBux


☠️ Banned ☠️
Dec 23, 2004
Reaction score
U. Idaho
Sorry folks. We had to disable the vbPlaza and the Phins Dollars feature because a exploitable bug was found in that system that could have allowed a hacker to disrupt Finheaven.

At this time, there is no fix and the developer has no plans to correct the problem.

We apologize for any inconvenience but the security of the board comes first.

Update: We are installing a replacement system for vbPlaza :) We should have it up and running soon.
Darn it, that was a cool feature.

Oh well, i would rather be without it than be without FH.
agreed, it was fun while it lasted but the most important thing is the security of Finheaven and it's members.
Man that sucks.
Well better to have FH then no FH at all.
That's a shame but although a hard one it's the right call to make.
The guys supporting this site do a great job.

I was in User CP and I noticed there wan't any vbPlaza option. I went through the forums and I noticed a lot of people had 500 finbucks. 1 person had 25500 bucks. Strange. Is there a reason?
fin dollars

I used to have like 9,000 fin dollars and now i have like 500? Is this like a way to make every1 look like they have the same or is there jus an error?
We are installing a replacement system for vbPlaza :) We should have it up and running soon.
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