Merged: will we look at dan morgan or mike wahle? | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged: will we look at dan morgan or mike wahle?

I don't think so. I like D. Morgan if he could just stay healthy!
Yea, Dan has been one of the top 10 if not top 5 MLB's of this decade. If Zach was to retire which i hope not... and i dont think he will, then id have no problem signing him, but if we run a 3-4 why not give him a shot next to Zach if hes willing to come for cheap of course.
Yea, you got a point... The young guys could use some GOOD vet leadership, however, doesnt wahle battle injuries year in and out
hmm, not sure, I looked at his career stats and he's only missed 3 games, all in one year in 2006. He might have battled injuries though and played through them, I haven't followed him much.

Just as an FYI, on ESPN Insider, they have a 2007 Scouts Inc. scouting report. I can't publish it here of course, but he grades out at 75, good for 6th of all OG's, with Hutchinson, Faneca, Dielman, Andrews and Mankins ahead of him. If he came here, I wouldn't cry that's for sure! :up:
doesnt wahle battle injuries year in and out
Not really. He did tear a muscle in his shoulder this year but its not that serious. As far as battling injuries year in and year out, hes actually pretty good about not getting injured.
Well in that case, with all the positive things Ive heard in this thread.. I change my tune.. He sounds like hed be a good pick-up !! Good thread :up:
Mark Whale would be great, I loved him when he was on the Packers, and he was nice with the Panthers. He would be a great pickup. As for Morgan, man I think he's done, because he is in a Trent Green's-esque condition.
Hopefully management doesn't feel like half the posters here who want us to sign every released player in the league!
I loved Morgan for the U but now honestly, we'd just be trading one concussion prone LB (ZT) for another (DM). I don't see it happening.
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