Merged x5: Mike Mckenzie released from Saints | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged x5: Mike Mckenzie released from Saints

If he wants to compete sure i'll take him he still has some left in the tank.
I think Miami is looking at players that are younger. I really don't think you'll see another player signed that's into his 30's.
if they're interested they'll call him in for a look-see
however, at 33years old, not much future there
Is he really better than Will Allen at this point? If he was ever better than Will Allen, even in his prime, it was only marginally better. Now it's completely a lost cause, the guy can barely walk anymore.
Physical corner who still has some years left on the tank. I'd give him a look.
we're going younger...

But he was injured....

and probably be cheap too....

wouldn't be surprised if we picked him up....

Looks like we are gambling with several of our FA's (injuries). Could pay off big time or worse comes to worse we could probably open up a new wing at Jackson Memorial....
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