Merrill Hodge | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merrill Hodge

Jersey DolFan

☠️ Banned ☠️
Nov 9, 2004
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i like the guy. On NFL live today he named Pat white his impact rookie and one other thing ( i forget) i will disagree if pat white does not play any wildcat but still cool he showed love.
he also said the AFC East would be a "dog fight" he predicted pats winning at 11-5 and Miami going 10-6 said it would come down to one of the last games again. Then he said no question the steelers should be number 1 in the power rankings. Hasselbeck made fun of him and said "com'on its the patriots" Hasselbeck and Trey wingo (who said over and over that the patriots finally lost division after 5 str8 titles, and they got left out even tho then won 11 games etc etc BIGGEST PATS HOMER I"VE EVERRR EVER HEARD OR SEEN) proceeded to make fun of Hodge for the next 2 minutes about liking pat white.

either way just saying we do get some respect from some ppl. lets hope the season gets us more..
I saw this too, I was going to post it but you beat me too it.

LoL i knew somone had to have seen it. i was surprised it wasnt posted yet so i put it out there. i actually watched it on the DVR from the 4 p.m. airing.
I don't care about divisional predictions but I appreciate Hodge. He's great at breaking down plays and tendencies, and I like his personnel instincts heading to the draft.
I, too, like Hodge. He, John Clayton, & Ditka are only the Football experts on ESPN that have a clue.

Isn't interesting that they guy who has had multiple concussions has the best perception of the AFCE?

It is a 2 team race between the patsies & phins.
Trey Wingo is such a sissy. I actually used to like the guy, thought he brought sort of humor to it, but the guy is a straight moron. You also have Tim Hasselback..I mean..who cares what he thinks, and honestly..what does he know? Hodge is actually more or less pretty realistic..and for god sakes someone have Wingo fitted for a suit because the guy looks like he's about to fall over.
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