I know you have someone monitoring this board right now, so here it is:
Clean the stench of Bill Parcells out of this organization. Jeff Ireland, Dawn Aponte, and anyone else who was brought with Bill Parcells into the Miami Dolphins front office should be fired as soon as possible.
You are the only one who can restore dignity and respect to the Dolphins organization. Or do you really think that saving a half a percent on a 100 million dollar payroll is worth all of this? I know you don't.
No one can cleanse out this filth but you.
Clean the stench of Bill Parcells out of this organization. Jeff Ireland, Dawn Aponte, and anyone else who was brought with Bill Parcells into the Miami Dolphins front office should be fired as soon as possible.
You are the only one who can restore dignity and respect to the Dolphins organization. Or do you really think that saving a half a percent on a 100 million dollar payroll is worth all of this? I know you don't.
No one can cleanse out this filth but you.