Miami does have some talent | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Miami does have some talent


Practice Squad
May 3, 2006
Reaction score
I've been browsing through you tube today and found some cool clips to help get pumped up for the Bears game.
Saban says it's a new season starting after the bye lets try and make it a new season around here and quell some of the negativity!

Who says Joey Harrington can't throw the deep ball?

Who says Ronnie Brown can't run?

Who says Chris Chambers can't be a #1 reciever?

Who says Welker cant run one back?

Who says Saban can't give a pregame speach? :lol:

We've got the talent it's time to start getting the job done!
Lets go Miami, Wake the **** up already!!!

And if all else fails we've always got these to cheer us up :evil:
FINatic 13 said:
puff puff pass....puff puff pass

Yeesh, one of the few guys still cheering, still behind the team and he gets ridiculed? Our chances don't look great, especially against a Bears team that has been absolutely demolishing people this year. But dammit, we're still Miami fans, and you'll find me up in the Cafe Martini this weekend with my Dolphins gear on drinking beers and cheering my heart out. I don't care if we win or lose, the Dolphins are playing this weekend!!:dolphins:
bluehaze said:
I've been browsing through you tube today and found some cool clips to help get pumped up for the Bears game.
Saban says it's a new season starting after the bye lets try and make it a new season around here and quell some of the negativity!

Who says Joey Harrington can't throw the deep ball?

Who says Ronnie Brown can't run?

Who says Chris Chambers can't be a #1 reciever?

Who says Welker cant run one back?

Who says Saban can't give a pregame speach? :lol:

We've got the talent it's time to start getting the job done!

Lets go Miami, Wake the **** up already!!!

And if all else fails we've always got these to cheer us up :evil:

:dolphins: :dolphins: :dolphins: :dolphins: :dolphins: :dolphins:
emocomputerjock said:
Yeesh, one of the few guys still cheering, still behind the team and he gets ridiculed? Our chances don't look great, especially against a Bears team that has been absolutely demolishing people this year. But dammit, we're still Miami fans, and you'll find me up in the Cafe Martini this weekend with my Dolphins gear on drinking beers and cheering my heart out. I don't care if we win or lose, the Dolphins are playing this weekend!!:dolphins:

And thanks for the vids haze. At some point you have to decide if you want to be a teams' fan or not. If so you have to take a deep breath, step back and look for something to hope for the next time your team goes out.
Has this team played badly this season? Badly is an understatement. Have they given us any reasons to cheer or even hope so far? Very few. So at mid-season what should a fan do?
What is a Fan? Someone who is 'Fan'aticle about something. Can a true fan become so frustrated and disappointed with a teams' performance that they get angry and vent that frustration by knocking thier team? Yes, but there comes a point that if you keep knocking the team it becomes detraction and thats when you cease to be a fan.
I've been a Phin fan since 1970, and after '72 being frustrated has been the state of the Dolphins fan. But in each season, at the height of its frustration, a fan has had to make a descision to either give up being a fan or shrug his/her shoulders and tune in the next game and continue to cheer and hope.
Have we reached that point? Pretty close to it.
Thanks for the post and the vids. I like the never say die attitude! I'm with you fellow fin lover!
wow so the chambers vid definatley made me friggin good Big Gus actually was....he had some pretttttty throws.....Sage as well for that matter
:dolphins:ya darn skippy they do have some talent.:dolphins:
Chris Chambers is a stud. Good human being too. I'd love to have him on my team.
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