Miami, FIU to play Oct. 6 in Orange Bowl | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Miami, FIU to play Oct. 6 in Orange Bowl


Dade County Goonz
Mar 21, 2006
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Money Is A Major Issue (M.I.A.M.I)
Miami athletic director Paul Dee said Tuesday that despite the sideline-clearing brawl that interrupted the teams' Oct. 14 game, the Hurricanes and Florida International have decided to play next year's game, scheduled for Oct. 6 in the Orange Bowl.
"We have a game that's scheduled and we're going to play it," the Miami Herald's Web site quoted Dee as saying. "We have good people and I think everyone understands what happened can't happen again. The game will be played.
"I'm not going to comment about it anymore than I told you," he said.

why play them Paul Dee!? what a dumb decision..they know they cant go to the U..they will still be pissed off..i cant believe this game is still being played...
You play them because it had already been previously scheduled.
Stitches said:
You play them because it had already been previously scheduled.

take those dudes off our schedule..they arent a good team and plus they love those cheap shots

oh well, another blowout..send the cowards home with a fat paycheck :nono:
305TillIDie said:

take those dudes off our schedule..they arent a good team and plus they love those cheap shots

oh well, another blowout..send the cowards home with a fat paycheck :nono:

A bit of a bias statement, don't you think?

And I don't see either team as cowardly. If either team would have wanted out, and not show strength and perseverance through a time of possible strife, than that is cowardly. By playing the game, both teams/schools are showing that they are better than the events that transpired on the field this past season.
Stitches said:
A bit of a bias statement, don't you think?

And I don't see either team as cowardly. If either team would have wanted out, and not show strength and perseverance through a time of possible strife, than that is cowardly. By playing the game, both teams/schools are showing that they are better than the events that transpired on he field this past season.
thats not being bias..that a fact
305TillIDie said:
thats not being bias..that a fact

Because a Miami player wasn't stomping on players laying on the ground, or swinging a helmet?
Stitches said:
Because a Miami player wasn't stomping on players laying on the ground, or swinging a helmet?
you didnt watch the game BEFORE all of that happened?

hitting players on the ground, late hits, Miami reacted because of FIU doing that crap..of course its wrong to swing a helmet, its also wrong for a FIU player to swing his crutches at a miami player

If FIU wouldnt never cheap shot the Miami players, it wouldnt even been a brawl
305TillIDie said:
you didnt watch the game BEFORE all of that happened?

hitting players on the ground, late hits, Miami reacted because of FIU doing that crap..of course its wrong to swing a helmet, its also wrong for a FIU player to swing his crutches at a miami player

If FIU wouldnt never cheap shot a Miami player, it wouldnt been a brawl

Ok, but there were cheap shots on both sides. By you saying FIU loves cheap shots, it is a bias statement, especially when you make no mention of those committed by Miami.
Stitches said:
Ok, but there were cheap shots on both sides. By you saying FIU loves cheap shots, it is a bias statement, especially when you make no mention of those committed by Miami.
when did you see Miami cheap shot FIU during the game?

did you even watch the game?
Stitches said:
Ok, but there were cheap shots on both sides. By you saying FIU loves cheap shots, it is a bias statement, especially when you make no mention of those committed by Miami.

hes talkin about during the game which is what started the brawl. who gives a **** about cheap shots during a brawl?
Nappy Roots said:
hes talkin about during the game which is what started the brawl. who gives a **** about cheap shots during a brawl?

Pretty much everyone that matters. Especially the university, athletic department, and football team.
305TillIDie said:
when did you see Miami cheap shot FIU during the game?

did you even watch the game?

Well, the brawl was during the course of the game. They didn't wait until after 60 minutes to meet each other outside the locker rooms. It happened on the field, DURING the game. That is when Miami cheap shotted FIU, just like FIU did earlier to Miami. Both sides had cheap shots.
Stitches said:
Pretty much everyone that matters. Especially the university, athletic department, and football team.
hell, it was a street going to hold your players back and let them get beat up or are you going to help and defend them?
Stitches said:
Well, the brawl was during the course of the game. They didn't wait until after 60 minutes to meet each other outside the locker rooms. It happened on the field, DURING the game. That is when Miami cheap shotted FIU, just like FIU did earlier to Miami. Both sides had cheap shots.
you still talking about the brawl..its obvious that you didnt watch the game BEFORE the brawl

Coker and the staff told the players not to react..they didnt react..until a teammate was slammed into the ground
305TillIDie said:
hell, it was a street going to hold your players back and let them get beat up or are you going to help and defend them?

There was no street, it wasn't a street fight. The refs would have broken it up, and delt punishment out accordingly. This has been discussed in another thread, so I'm done talking about it.
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