Miami vs Florida State for Homecoming | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Miami vs Florida State for Homecoming


Crank Yanker
Sep 4, 2001
Reaction score
Inside your head
How's that for brass balls? Miami doesn't play some cheese ball team for Homecoming, they play Florida State! Yes, I hate Bowden and the clan with a passion that has moved mountains and divided nations, but I will say they are a worthy team to play. What better way to end a Homecoming week than to send Chief Osceola home, flaming spear shoved up his keester, and Bobbie and Rix having a pity party on the bus.:evil: On the way to another National Championship, #6 baby!!!!!:rocker:
Originally posted by Jaydog57
How's that for brass balls? Miami doesn't play some cheese ball team for Homecoming, they play Florida State! Yes, I hate Bowden and the clan with a passion that has moved mountains and divided nations, but I will say they are a worthy team to play. What better way to end a Homecoming week than to send Chief Osceola home, flaming spear shoved up his keester, and Bobbie and Rix having a pity party on the bus.:evil: On the way to another National Championship, #6 baby!!!!!:rocker:
just rolled out of bed here, the game comes on at 9 AM.:rolleyes:
is there something wrong with dorsey's hand or shoulder? he doesn't seem to be following through with his body and his passes look like a drunk butterfly. haven't seen a spiral yet!
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