Miami's Worst GM | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Miami's Worst GM


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Jul 18, 2010
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Since seeing the thread on our terrible draft pick, I had to ask this question, "Who are the worst personnel people we have had?" How would you answer?
Rick Spielman went into full retard mode when Ricky quit. Some of the desperation moves made back then nearly a decade ago still reverberate even to today...
Any list that does not include Jeff Ireland is woefully incomplete.
I dont think we have ever really had a good personnel guy since I started watching in the early 80's
Name a guy that's been a GM for us in the last 20 years and you won't go wrong.
I hate to say it but Miami's inability to assemble a good enough run game or defense in Marino's tenure is criminal. The early 90s weren't too bad but part of that plight might have been the game passing Shula by. That 94 team that lost in San Diego was pretty good but the Niners would've Smoked us, too.
There was always a team significantly better than Miami in Marino's whole tenure. The Bills were clearly better in their run, the NFC teams were better in the 80s, and in other years we just sucked.
This trip down memory lane only underscores what I've been saying all day: to have a jets dumpster salvage come in to evaluate, let alone replace the most promising GM (and certainly more so than him) in many moons - especially for the purpose of rebooting just for rebooting sake is pure folly and ****ing ponderous.
I still can't believe Jax couldn't beat NE after beating us, a playoff team with 10 wins (or was it 9) by 55 points. That was a damn good team that played like crap in the cold soggy Foxboro environment.
Don Shula, the GM, really undermined Don Shula the coach. The personnel, especially on defense, was inadequate during the Marino era. Dan pretty much carried the team during his tenure. The defenses he played with were downright awful most of his career.
Shula may not have been the worst GM that the Dolphins ever had, but pissing away the career of one of the best QB's in NFL history is almost criminal.
The worst GM in Dolphins history is the one and only Jeff Ireland for the simple fact that he hd everything a GM could ever dream of in cap room and draft picks to build a winning team. But alas, he wasted them. Is there any worst GM in sports ?
This trip down memory lane only underscores what I've been saying all day: to have a jets dumpster salvage come in to evaluate, let alone replace the most promising GM (and certainly more so than him) in many moons - especially for the purpose of rebooting just for rebooting sake is pure folly and ****ing ponderous.

Where were you getting the info he's replacing Hickey?
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