Michael Sinclair Cometh ,, | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Michael Sinclair Cometh ,,


Maria & LauRen Aha!
Sep 4, 2001
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Interesting tidbits from the Herald

from http://www.miami.com/mld/miami/sports/football/nfl/miami_dolphins/2840683.htm

sounds like we are going to be more aggresive on D :cool:

Getting Marion, 31, back means third-year man Arturo Freeman will be the starting strong safety, but the team is still figuring out how to use the two in the eight-man fronts Miami will use more often this season.

''We'll probably have to mix it a little more,'' defensive coordinator Jim Bates said. ``We've had so much success with the seven-man fronts and trying hard to avoid giving up the big play. But when we had the injuries up front, we really started to get worn down on run defense.''

from http://www.miami.com/mld/miami/sports/football/nfl/miami_dolphins/2840684.htm
Searcy is eager to start blocking for Ricky Williams, whom he compared to ``a young Earl Campbell -- he'll run by you or run you over.''

Searcy is among many proven veteran players who might join the Dolphins at reasonable rates. Senior vice president Rick Spielman said he has received a surprising number of calls from agents on behalf of veterans who are realizing they might not make much more than the minimum, so they might as well make it in Miami with no state tax and a quality team.
Maybe this is one of those Vet. Min guys

Dolphins | Showing Interest in Sinclair? - posted at KFFL (http://nfl.kffl.com)
10:52 PT: According to Mike Sando, of the Tacoma News Tribune, free agent DE Michael Sinclair, who was released by the Seahawks last month, has drawn interest from the Miami Dolphins but has not visited with the team as of yet.

Sinclair w/b a nice addition.
Re: Maybe this is one of those Vet. Min guys

Originally posted by dolphan39
Dolphins | Showing Interest in Sinclair? - posted at KFFL (http://nfl.kffl.com)
10:52 PT: According to Mike Sando, of the Tacoma News Tribune, free agent DE Michael Sinclair, who was released by the Seahawks last month, has drawn interest from the Miami Dolphins but has not visited with the team as of yet.

Sinclair w/b a nice addition.

I agree. Sinclair would be a welcome addition.;)
interested in Sinclair....

Dolphins | Showing Interest in Sinclair? - posted at KFFL (http://nfl.kffl.com)

10:52 PT: According to Mike Sando, of the Tacoma News Tribune, free agent DE Michael Sinclair, who was released by the Seahawks last month, has drawn interest from the Miami Dolphins but has not visited with the team as of yet.

Sounds good but we would have 3 starter at DT for 2 spots....
Sinclair is a pass rush specialist - IMO - but started at DE for Seattle. He would replace Mixon and Lo Bro if DG moves to DE
Dolphins also looking at.....

WR Rob Moore (Cardinals) & DE Micheal Sinclair (Seahawks)

Sinclair would make an impact to our team! :D
nice attitude

Dolphins | Sinclair To Visit - posted at KFFL (http://nfl.kffl.com)
19:20 PT: Updating previous reports, Ethan J. Skolnick reports for the Miami Herald agent Vann McElroy said the Miami Dolphins have contacted him to setup a visit for free agent DE Michael Sinclair (Seahawks) sometime next week. ''I really respect what Rick Spielman and Dave Wannstedt are trying to do down there,'' McElroy said. ``And they're looking for veteran players who can lead.''
I just read in the Herald (I think) that M -Sinclair will be in for a visit sometime next week! It seems that WannSpiel are far from finished in trying to bring in select veterans for minimum $$$. This will be a Sinclair's 12th year, but at the right price he will be a definite upgrade .. Marino1983 :D :D
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