Practice Squad
With this post I hit 3000 posts. Now for you folks over 20,000 that may not be a big deal but I like round numbers. I hit 2000 about the time of my last anniversary so my frequency must have raised appreciably. High speed connections will do that.
I will be away next week and then for three weeks at the end of July to early August. My fifth anniversary on this site happens July 28th while I will be away. I want to take a moment to thank everyone here for their friendship and support over the years and join in a prayer that we will all be able to continue our cyber community well into the future.
to you all!
I will be away next week and then for three weeks at the end of July to early August. My fifth anniversary on this site happens July 28th while I will be away. I want to take a moment to thank everyone here for their friendship and support over the years and join in a prayer that we will all be able to continue our cyber community well into the future.
to you all!